
Survey – GovLoop Topics

The latest survey on GovLoop was “What topics would you like to see covered in GovLoop?” The results were: 13.0% Gov’t Opportunities and Events 35.9% Gov’t Career Advice 0.0% Sports and Entertainment 43.6% Gov’t Best Practices 7.7% Gov’t News I’m intrigued by the results but I think they make sense. Here’s how GovLoop will respondRead… Read more » Goes Web 2.0

Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency. The Government’s web community is going “web 2.0” with a focus on increased collaboration amongst its members with the new implementation of the Web Content Managers Forum over at I spokeRead… Read more »

Immigration Policy

From : The difference between enforcement and economic immigration reform is the same as the difference between symbolic and substantive issues. The symbolic enforcement represents tens of billions of dollars being used with little concern for its efficacy (“Controlling Unauthorized Immigration”, IPC) in order to express tough, popular rhetoric. It isn’t about resources, it’sRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and The Rise of Informal Networks

Recently I wrote this post that was featured on the Wikinomics blog. I thought I would share it and cross post it here as well. ——————————————- It’s official – Gov 2.0 is here to stay. From nGenera’s Gov 2.0: Wikinomics, Government and Democracy, project, NAPA’s Collaboration Project, and Mashable’s recent Gov 2.0 column, a lotRead… Read more »

Arrogance, Confidence, and Insecurity

“The moment you think of yourself as great, your slide toward mediocrity will have already begun,” Jim Collins. “Wisest is he who knows what he doesn’t know.” Plato I read these quotes the other day and I really like them both. I think mainly because it is an interesting time for my career as forRead… Read more »

The opportunities are out there!

From a big city to a small town, from a poor family with limited resources to gaining a university degree and fighting to achieve higher education, I believe that my experiences and the opportunities I was given throughout my educational career has changed my life. In the summer of 2007, I obtained my first professionalRead… Read more »