Citizen Engagement

The Power of the Message – Why It’s Important to Tell Stories

How can your communications engage stakeholders to take action and drive mission value? This was the big question addressed at FCG and GovDelivery’s Annual Digital Communications event: The Power of the Message. The event brought together government leaders at all levels to discuss the importance of effective communication and the power of your message. KeynoteRead… Read more »

Insights from across the pond – Everyone is defaulting digital

Digital government goals are not just something that federal agencies in the US are striving for. In the UK, any new or redesigned service introduced after April 2014 will also have to meet a new Digital by Default standard. The Guardian notes, “Making the billion annual transactions between government, citizens and businesses “digital by default”Read… Read more »

Best Practices for a Culture of Communication

In a recent blog post I outlined the four main pillars of Project Intelligence, a new approach which seeks to improve government project execution by providing project managers with more information to make better decisions. In the era of budget cuts and limited resources, finding new ways to keep projects on time and in scopeRead… Read more »

The 4 Pillars of Project Intelligence

The economic pressures government agencies feel from the uncertainty of budget cuts, real-time shut downs, and sequestration affects every part of an organization. The Project Management Office (PMO) is no exception. In a recent blog post, I discussed a new approach, Project Intelligence (PI), which seeks to improve project execution by providing project managers withRead… Read more »

The Rise of Project Intelligence and Why It Matters

There’s a lot going on in government today. The economic pressures agencies feel from the uncertainty of budget cuts and sequestration effect every part of an organization, including the Project Management Office (PMO). The PMO is responsible for monitoring and administering government IT projects. As time goes on, priorities shift, technology advances, and new regulationsRead… Read more »

On the move – Gov Communication Conference Gets Pushed Back

The government shutdown has sucked up all the oxygen surrounding the federal government. It’s impossible to focus on engaging stakeholders and federal communication best practices when hundreds of thousands of feds are furloughed. But communications best practices are essential. When agencies return to full capacity they will need to know the best ways to engageRead… Read more » – 3 Tips for Improvement with Clay Johnson

Last Tuesday the Obama Administration unveiled Affordable Care Act mandated the Department of Health and Human Services to build an online exchange, or Internet store, to let uninsured consumers compare and buy plans offered by private insurance companies. But almost immediately problems started to pop up. The website was overwhelmed by up to fiveRead… Read more »

How to Successfully Communicate Digitally – 5 Lessons Learned

How do you get your message through the wild west that is currently digital communication? Think about it, TV and Radio news bulletins have been replaced by text-messaging, Twitter, blogs, Facebook and Google+ updates. There are millions if not billions of tweets and facebook posts alone, so it is almost impossible to break through theRead… Read more »