Citizen Engagement

Best Practices for Government Customer Service

Providing an exceptional customer service experience is a key element of running any organization, from large corporations to non-profits to government agencies. Government agencies have to deal with issues raised by the public every day and be able to respond to constituents in an efficient manner. While seemingly a straightforward task, customer relations is aRead… Read more »

What Civic Innovation Looks Like Today and Tomorrow

Philadelphia has hired its first ever Director of Civic Technology. San Francisco, Boston and New York already have them. But what exactly do they do? And what about cities that can’t afford to have their own Civic Innovation Officers or Innovation hubs? Alissa Black is the Director of the California Innovation Project at the NewRead… Read more »

Mobility at the State and Local Level

“We are not a ‘for profit’ business, we are a ‘for service’ business” – Brent Nair, City of Memphis Last week, Cisco and Consero hosted their Virtual Government IT Forum, the first in a series of online discussions between state and local government visionaries. The focus on the online session (which you can still viewRead… Read more »

Preventing Crime with Email? Yup, it works!

Move aside CSI, there is a new law enforcement tool that is revolutionizing the way public safety organizations solve and prevent crimes: email. Email is the 21st century answer to tip lines, but it’s even better because it creates a two-way dialogue between the citizen and the police force. Email is able to leverage theRead… Read more »

Social Media in States – Status Report

Social media has revolutionized government’s interactions with its citizens. A new survey by NASCIO found 100% of state chief information officers said social media is apart of their business operations. 83% said they use Facebook. 81% use Twitter. 83% use Youtube. 80% of CIOs say social media is either essential or a high priority atRead… Read more »

eGovernment Grows Up- Case Studies

In the mobile era to meet the rising expectations of constituents, local, state and federal agencies are adopting new, tech-savvy ways of doing business and engaging constituents. Agencies are meeting the public where they are, online and on the go, and making it easier for them to navigate the public sector more quickly and effectively.Read… Read more »

How State and Local Leaders are Innovating with Technology

“There’s always going to be new technology. We must innovate to do more with less” – Brent Nair, CIO, Memphis Last week, Cisco and Consero hosted their Virtual Government IT Forum, the first in a series of online discussions between state and local government visionaries. The focus on the online session (which you can stillRead… Read more »

Snowden Deserves Avalanche of Justice for Betraying America

Like him or loathe him, many people have strongly held views about former government contractor Edward Snowden, who spilled some of America’s most sensitive national security secrets to the world – including to our enemies. This is evidenced by various national polls, an average of which show a nation somewhat divided about Snowden. Is heRead… Read more »