How to Develop Digital Services for the Next Big Change
It is somewhat a paradox that state and local governments are expected to be more transparent and more secure than ever before.
It is somewhat a paradox that state and local governments are expected to be more transparent and more secure than ever before.
Federal employees should be guided by empathy when designing and delivering customer services. Here’s what that means and how to accomplish it.
Here’s how to improve customer experiences through more thoughtful use of technology and cross collaboration.
When you engage with constituents or work with colleagues, you want to hear and be heard by them. But in the increasingly hybrid workplace, this can become more of a challenge.
Why is federal customer experience so hard?
Historically, parking enforcement officers used paper lists and checked license plates manually. Was that a zero or an O? You couldn’t be sure.
You cannot drive change alone — or from within a silo. Great change takes great people aligned to a common vision. As you spread customer experience (CX) management practices in government, consider these three approaches to bring others along.
The White House’s latest Executive Order is pushing agencies to build better citizen experiences. Here are three tips to help agencies seize the moment.
We spoke with your colleagues, current and former govies who are experts in the digital services realm. We wanted to know: Have they encountered resistance at work? And importantly, how did they overcome it?
Agencies often suffer from low approval ratings, lower than the private sector. So how can even behemoth agencies reinvent themselves? Paying more attention to experience management (XM) is a great start.