The Federal Plan to Improve Customer Experience
Government officials often talk broadly about improving customer experiences, but the Biden administration has unveiled an executive order (EO) that offers a detailed vision of what that means.
Government officials often talk broadly about improving customer experiences, but the Biden administration has unveiled an executive order (EO) that offers a detailed vision of what that means.
Finding qualified customer experience professionals for government agencies continues to be a great challenge.
Public-sector customer experience gets to the heart of how employees and constituents interact with perceive agencies’ products and services. Yet pleasing both groups grows harder every time government workforce, budget and other constraints change.
With the right technology and mindset, the Census Bureau was able to bring data to decision-makers agencywide in the first digital census.
Here’s how government leaders are infusing human-centered design into their everyday work and across their teams.
To provide constituents with a good customer experience (CX), agencies need to address the performance of the underlying network.
Looking at problems through a CX lens can help agencies identify and remove blockers to providing better customer service.
Agencies need to take an approach that both standardizes good CX pracices and supports continuous improvement.
Whether providing digital services or seeking input on policies, improving CX is about making those engagements more effective and accessible.
How do we get better at engaging people in inclusive ways to ensure their voices truly drive public policy, decisions and legislation?