Citizen Engagement

Book: Delivering on Digital by William Eggers

DorobekINSIDER Book Club: Eggers’ Delivering on Digital

I love books — I just do. I never get to read as much as I hope, particularly these days, but when one finds a book that causes you to really think… well, that is something that deserves celebration. One of the best ways I’ve found to make books come alive is as part ofRead… Read more »

This One Trick Will Help You Better Define Your Customer

As government communicators, we’re best serving the public when we’re thinking about our customers as smaller groups — defined, just for example, by geographic location, specific needs or languages spoken — and communicating directly with those groups. Simply put, our services are more impactful when our audiences are understood.

Cloud Empowers Colorado to Better Serve Citizens

Colorado’s Chief Technology Officer David McCurdy isn’t alone in his quest to make the state a leader in delivering cloud services. But McCurdy doesn’t want that designation just for the sake of it.

Get Inspired to Use Facebook Live Video at Your Agency

What can your government agency broadcast on Facebook Live? What kinds of broadcasts are public sector organizations already doing on Facebook Live that can inspire your efforts to catch the attention of viewers?