Citizen Engagement

Improving Federal Customer Experience Is A National Security Imperative

Improving the U.S. federal customer experience (CX) is crucial to our nation’s long-term security. I’m not exaggerating. Improving federal CX is about far more than just boosting an agency’s ranking on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) or raising a Net Promoter Score. It’s even about more than influencing the success or failure of major policies –Read… Read more »

Innovation, From Outer Space to Overflowing Sewers

Prize competitions have led to incredible breakthroughs: naval navigation, architectural masterpieces like the Sydney Opera House, Charles Lindbergh’s transatlantic flight, and the commercialization of space travel. One of the first examples began in 1418 in Florence, Italy, when town officials issued a contest to build a dome for Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral – commonlyRead… Read more »

Recipe for a Citizen-Centric Report

Sugar, spices, eggs, measuring cup, mixing bowl, whisk. The recipe list can be endless when making your favorite cake, and the details are incredibly important. Each step is as vital as the last, up until the oven temperature and baking time. But what about the ingredients to an ideal financial report? Like a good recipe,Read… Read more »

Livestreaming Council Meetings on YouTube

Broadcasting meetings to residents live on the Internet needn’t cost the earth, as Monmouthshire County Council has demonstrated in recent weeks. The council has bypassed expensive monthly fees from livestreaming services by directly streaming meetings, from the council chamber in Usk, UK,  to YouTube.Joanna Goodwin, my colleague and friend from my time at Monmouthshire, worksRead… Read more »

Your ECM Crash Course

Last month we talked about the 10 benefits of going paperless. But how can your agency execute on a paperless vision? It all starts with understanding Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. GovLoop and Hyland, a market leader in ECM technology, created a variety of resources to help you understand the importance of ECM (see ourRead… Read more »

Citizen Engagement: How Government is Improving Customer Service

The customer is always right. If you’ve ever worked at any retailer, restaurant, or franchised store, you may have gotten a lecture or two from your manager that included this phrase. And there is definitely truth behind it. Like any good retail establishment, successful government agencies are centered on meeting the needs of the publicRead… Read more »

Digital Communications & the Rise of the CMO

CMO. CDO. CXO. Just a few acronyms for the increasingly important job that focuses on customer experience and digital communications. (For now, let’s just stick with CMO: Chief Marketing Officer.) At GovLoop’s Wednesday event, The Citizen & the Government: How They Connect, Brian Paget, Technical Director for Content & Analytics at Adobe, and David Yang, ViceRead… Read more »

The White House: Championing Citizen Engagement Programs

Today, GovLoop hosted an event, The Citizen and the Government – How they Connect. The event was designed to help government employees understand how they can leverage digital tools to engage with citizens. For our final keynote presentation, GovLoop welcomed Dr. Alissa Johnson, the deputy chief information officer (DCIO) for the Office of Administration inRead… Read more »

8 Reasons Customer Service = Success For You and Your Agency

In your mind, good citizen engagement might not be that important. Sure, your agency tweets and engages occasionally online, but its not a focus or a priority. After all, it can’t really affect anything that you’re doing that much, right? Wrong. According to new data from Forrester Research, bad citizen engagement and poor customer service fromRead… Read more »