Citizen Engagement

Citizen Engagement Case Study: A GitHub-first Campaign

This blog post is an excerpt from our latest guide, which explores the role of citizen engagement in transforming government. Click here to download the report. We’re all familiar with the traditional ways politicians announce and publicize their campaigns for office: stump speeches, TV ads and op-eds in newspapers. Some of the more innovative onesRead… Read more »

Do Retailers Dishonor Memorial Day?

On this year’s Memorial Day let’s hope that most Americans take some time to pause, ponder and pay tribute to the heroic soldiers who died in battle serving America throughout our history. More than one million American men and women have died in military service since the Civil War, according to the U.S. Census BureauRead… Read more »

On the Frontlines of Government’s Technological Transformation

In 1975 we saw the invention of the personal computer. In 2002 the first wave of smartphones hit the market. In 2008 the federal government considered cloud computing for the first time. James Sills has been witness to it all. And for the past five years, Sills has been the chief information officer for theRead… Read more »

VA Official Resigns Over Growing Patient Care Scandal – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: How did your retirement fare in the first quarter of the year? Should you be changing your TSP password? We take a look at your retirement in our interview with the TSP Board’s Kim Weaver. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at The SEVENRead… Read more »

Millennials & Gov: Where’s the Love?

Uncle Sam continues to face a quandary over how to attract a new generation of young people to public service. One perplexing problem is how to rebuild plummeting trust in government among the all important millennial demographic, also known as Generation Y. This generation will ultimately comprise a majority of the U.S. labor force, yetRead… Read more »

Looking Inside the Maple Leaf – How Canada Does Transparency

How many potholes have been filled this spring in your city? Are buses arriving on time this weekend? What’s the number of business licenses granted in the past month? How fast are emergency vehicles responding on-scene to accidents? These are just examples of questions citizens ask their local government on an everyday basis. Frequently, findingRead… Read more »

A Fed Makes the List of the Most Creative People – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, much of the focus in the transportation world was on securing the nation’s airports. But what about the other access points across the country? How secure were America’s many ports? It was that question Anthony Regalbuto, Chief, Office of International and DomesticRead… Read more »

The rapidly changing workplace — and what it means for government – Plus the 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Back in July of 2013 the president released his management agenda, which focused on three main goals: finding new ways to deliver government services more quickly and conveniently; cutting duplicative and unnecessary programs; and expanding the numbers and type of government data sets provided online. It was a powerful agenda, butRead… Read more »

Want Better Citizen Engagement? Three Tips to Get There

Do you believe that the involvement of citizens in the management of the government makes government better? Are you willing to do things differently to reach a different segment of the population? One of the leaders I respect the most has often been heard to say that public servants are at their best when theyRead… Read more »

Move Over Lorax, There’s A New Tree Crusader In Town

“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. I am the Lorax who speaks for the trees, which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please!” – Dr. Seuss, The Lorax. It may sound a little strange, but trees play aRead… Read more »