How to Instill Confidence in Cloud Services
To get a real measure of how cloud services are perorming, you need to gather and integrate performance data from a wide variety of sources.
To get a real measure of how cloud services are perorming, you need to gather and integrate performance data from a wide variety of sources.
State and local HHS agencies typically take the lead in identifying health-related problems, writing policies, directing response and gauging success.
By adopting DevOps principles and cloud-native application development pipelines, agencies have benefitted from faster development, improved UX and more.
Using cloud computing’s on-demand, decentralized capabilities, the Content Cloud enables agencies to create, govern and share their content digitally.
As part Satellite One, the military is looking at how DevSecOps and Kubernetes could enable the rapid delivery of software updates in space.
Schools that had been progressively moving toward more modern technologies and infrastructures found that they were more prepared.
There’s a lot to consider when making the business case for migrating on-prem workloads to the cloud, but it’s a worthy case to make.
For agencies to realize the full benefits of DevSecOps, they need to apply the DevOps tenet of continuous delivery both to software and security.
If there’s one thing the past year has taught professionals across the globe, it’s that it is time to rethink how they work.
In less than two weeks of the California DMV’s offices closing, 1,200 employees were able to access on-premises computers from home.