
Don’t Fear the Cloud

Remember the last time you sat outside on a sunny day staring up at the clouds? Remember feeling a sense of familiarity and tranquility? Or did you see a different kind of cloud – one that looked eerie, dangerous, and scary? Today, we are talking about cloud computing and the question is: which cloud doRead… Read more »

Finding Your Right Cloud Solution

This post is an excerpt from our recent report, “Finding Your Right Cloud Solution: Public & Private Clouds.” To download the full report, click here. The report is part of a three-part series, where GovLoop will highlight the power of the Oracle cloud and explore how Oracle is helping government agencies transform the way they deliver services.Read… Read more »


This post is an excerpt from our recent report, “Platform & Infrastructure as a Service: Creating New Efficiencies.” To download the full report, click here. The report is part of a three-part series, where GovLoop will highlight the power of the Oracle cloud and explore how Oracle is helping government agencies transform the way they deliver services. WithRead… Read more »

Keeping the Water On With Cloud Computing

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, Top Challenges & Solutions From State and Local Governments, which examines 16 case study examples transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. Flipping on the light switch to illuminate a darkened living room, or turning on the shower to a full stream of hot water areRead… Read more »

Software as a Service: The Key to Modernizing Government

This post is an excerpt from our recent report, “Software as a Service: The Key to Modernizing Government.” To download the full report, click here. The report is part of a three-part series, where GovLoop will highlight the power of the Oracle cloud and explore how Oracle is helping government agencies transform the way they deliver services.Read… Read more »

State and Local Governments Embrace the Cloud

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, Top Challenges & Solutions From State and Local Governments, which examines 16 case study examples transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. For the fourth year in a row, the state of California is suffering from record draughts. In March, Governor Jerry Brown unveiled a $1 billionRead… Read more »