How Do You Connect With Your Hardest to Reach Customers?
How do we reach the young and mobile, the recently deployed, and the skeptical? At the Census Bureau we have a few outreach strategies that may also work for other government agencies.
How do we reach the young and mobile, the recently deployed, and the skeptical? At the Census Bureau we have a few outreach strategies that may also work for other government agencies.
Listen to understand, not to speak. You will be a better person for it and others will be able to see the difference that you are trying to make.
The thought behind this trend is that if women could only speak more like men, we would increase our odds of achieving success in male-dominated environments. But not everyone agrees – an interesting counter argument has risen that begs the question: should women talk more like men at work, or should men talk more like… Read more »
Communicating with Congress regularly presents a big opportunity for federal agencies to connect the public to the services, tools and products that provide great value.
Good communication is at the root of all successful organizational change. When done well, staff support the change and help their organizations evolve. Let’s talk about how to communicate well in times of change.
In the world of government, we have many common threats to face. Though it may be possible to withstand them on our own, we make ourselves much mightier when we band together and tackle them as a team.
In order to maintain focus on government’s critical objectives, GovDelivery’s CEO Scott Burns recommends five overarching ideas to guide communications efforts.
Technology has made it easier and more efficient than ever to reach the public, so continue working with your colleagues to connect more people to their work through dissemination. Every day, go to work thinking about your customers and how you can do a better job on their behalf.
FirstNet has been obligated by Congress to take all actions necessary to ensure the building, deployment and operation of the nationwide public safety broadband network. Learn more here.
You’ve probably heard about the Next Generation of Government Training Summit taking place this summer on August 1st and 2nd. But have you heard what past attendees are saying about their experiences at the summit? Trust us, if you’re interested in attending the summit this year (and you should be!), these testimonials will be musicRead… Read more »