I Heard It Through the Grapevine
Many employees turn to the grapevine, also known as the rumor mill, as their main source of information. This creates gaps in communication and creates a greater opportunity for easily avoidable errors.
Many employees turn to the grapevine, also known as the rumor mill, as their main source of information. This creates gaps in communication and creates a greater opportunity for easily avoidable errors.
You may not realize it, but your favorite fiction or shows can also teach us a lot about effective government communications, and more specifically about plain language.
By taking traditional marketing concepts into account – like R.O.I. and advertising – government agencies and the communities they serve can benefit from real investment in dollars and attention.
Last month, we put out a call for our eighth round of GovLoop Featured Bloggers – and you responded with amazing enthusiasm. People from all walks of government and industry life sent in great ideas for posts, about everything from technology challenges in city government to using Twitter to monitor food safety in your city…. Read more »
Some of these podcasts will make you better at your job. Some will inform you about current events and policy. Some are just fun or educational.
In a collaborative work environment, employee productivity increases, service delivery costs go down, and the overall outcome is improved. These advancements are more important than ever in the public sector. So, how do you make collaboration a reality?
Sean Corbett, Program Manager at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), gave an excellent presentation on the FAA’s Leaders Teaching Leaders (LTL) Program at the Training Officer’s Consortium’s Annual Executive Institute in Ocean City, MD this week. Sean shared his experience in standing up and launching an LTL Program at FAA and highlighted the elements that… Read more »
Deadra Welcome, Learning and Performance Strategist at the U.S. Census Bureau, gave a great presentation on Creating a Learning Challenge at the Training Officer’s Consortium’s Annual Executive Institute in Ocean City, MD this week. Deadra shared her experience in building and delivering an engaging 30-day HRU learning challenge with no budget at the Department ofRead… Read more »
Think back to when you were in kindergarten. Do you remember when the teacher asked a question? The entire class would raise their hand and blurt out the first thing that entered their minds. They did not worry about what others thought of their comments. They spoke from their hearts. When was the last time… Read more »
Writing is communication, and communication is key for any leader. Here are six ways you can begin to improve your writing today, and in turn, open new doors for leadership opportunities.