
The Present & Future of Distance Learning in Government

This week I met with Dale Carpenter, the National Park Service’s (NPS) Distance Learning (DL) Program Manager, to collect some thoughts about the current and future state of DL in government.   Dale’s unique perspective includes experience from years of service in both the public and private sector. What does a day look like inRead… Read more »

Don’t Leave Email Deliverability to Chance – Manage It

All the email marketing advice you’ve read thus far in this series on improving your email strategy by Q2 means nothing if your messages never reach your audience. Deliverability refers to a message’s ability to arrive in intended recipients’ inboxes. It is an often-overlooked metric that has a large effect on your marketing efforts.

On The Use of Memes In Government Communication

We begin with the assumption that government communication should be as good or better than private-sector communication, for three reasons: The public relies on the government as a trustworthy source of information  Many are misinformed or under-informed about what the government does and the services it offers  Trust in the government by the public isRead… Read more »

Humor Me: 6 Public Outreach Campaigns That Will Make You Laugh

When you start to plan a public outreach and education campaign, a sense of humor may not be the first tool you think to reach for. You may instead focus on hard facts, thinking that logic alone will be enough to persuade people. Without some pizzazz and personality, your public outreach campaigns risk being boring and forgettable.Read… Read more »

Top 5 Email Metrics To Track Consistently (And Why You Should Care)

Now is the time to determine which email metrics you will need to analyze to ensure you’re effectively measuring performance and moving the needle toward your goals. In this post, we’ll identify the top five email metrics to continually track and why they are important.

Origins of Strategic Communications & Public Affairs

A wise man once said, “You can only know where you’re going if you know where you’ve been.” This wise man is none other than the esteemed and renowned British Science Historian, James Burke. When I think of this saying, the communications geek in me thinks about the vast journey the communications field has takenRead… Read more »

Good Witch vs Bad Witch:The Fine Art of Setting Boundaries

Communication is important to just about every aspect of my job as a public affairs specialist. I eat it, breathe it and sleep it. Yet, it’s always something I’m constantly fine-tuning. How should I say this? What’s the best way to relay this message? Are we effectively reaching our audience? Wherever I go, I always tryRead… Read more »