
Brand Is Only The Social Network

Remember the good old days of building a brand? The days of “Mad Men.” You took the client out for steak and wine. You wrote up a creative brief. You gave it to the client, who signed it. And then you delivered Choices A, B, and C. They chose one, and you did advertising. ARead… Read more »

All PR Is Good PR Except This

It happened one day while I was Googling myself. “She is a sociopath,” or something like that. “Good luck if you have to deal with her.” A comment, online, that referred to me. You are thinking I brushed that comment off, right? Like I’m so cool, and practiced, and nothing bothers me. Hell no! ItRead… Read more »

Inconvenient People

I pick up the phone and dial. “Hey Ma.”  “What?” This is literally how we start every single conversation. “I keep having this dream that I am a baby, I am crying and nobody’s coming for me.” “That’s not a dream.” “What?” “When you were a baby we followed Dr. Spock. When it was bedtime,Read… Read more »

Why You’re Not All That Engaging

Because you’re so clueless, you use words like “engaging” just because they’re the latest buzzword. Because you look away from me when I’m talking to you, like that “how fast can I get out of here” kind of look. You check your goddamn PHONE! YOU DON’T HAVE ANY EMAILS! Because you don’t listen to aRead… Read more »

A Beautiful Woman

She was standing at the head of the line, irritating all of us. What the heck is taking so long?  I thought it and felt ashamed. Here I am at Caffeine Anonymous: am coffee junkie. The guy in front of me was doing a strange, nervous dance. His toddler was impatient too, and he wasRead… Read more »