
Perception is Reality: Alternate Realities Do Exist

You’ve heard the adage: Perception Is Reality. Well, I’m here to tell you that it rings true outside of sci-fi and super-hero realms in the comic books. It exists in virtually every agency. Every business. And, in every relationship. Following are some common situations where this comes into play. What you need to realize andRead… Read more »

The Power of the Drip Part 1: Email Frequency and Timing

Drip marketing refers to an email strategy that sends a series of messages to an audience over time. Employing this method affects email frequency and timing. Because the focus is on syncing pre-planned messages with predictable audience actions or interests, the frequency/timing will vary from subscriber to subscriber.

One Bureaucratic Act of Kindness per Day

A majority of Americans view government employees in a negative light; we are viewed as overpaid and underqualified according to most polls of the general public. While research shows that this isn’t true (see my last blog post), how do we improve public perception of government employees? For those of us that interface with theRead… Read more »

What Does a Creative Organisation Look Like?

“I think it is important to point out that creativity is a human capability. It is not owned by, or restricted to artists, designers and architects; everyone has it, but the real question is how you harness creativity in such a way that it can be made productive.” There has been a growing recognition inRead… Read more »

6 Audiences to Consider When Communicating Your Agency Messages

The Plain Writing Act of 2010 and Executive Order 13563 both require that we communicate clearly, accessibly, consistently so that government information is easy to understand. The principles of plain language help us provide universal access to government information, for many people. We’re told to “write for average comprehension,” when we use those principles. So,Read… Read more »

The State of the Union in GIFs

If you missed President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address or just want to relive the highlights, these GIFs show the moments that government workers—and the nation—got either giddy or giggly about. 1. The ultimate comeback It was the mic drop moment that caused a social media sensation. When some of the crowd cheered after Obama said, “IRead… Read more »