
Privacy, Shmivacy

My childhood was a Seinfeld script. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing’s wrong.” “Something’s wrong, I can tell.” “No, nothing.” “You’re being evasive. She’s being evasive.” “Really, I’m fine.” “Look at her, she’s like a ghost. Did somebody at school say something to you?” “Look, I don’t want to talk about it.” “A-ha! So something did happen.” “Please, just let me be. I wantRead… Read more »


Don’t know the acronym?  I’m betting you’ve used the phrase at some point in your life during a vent.  I don’t think I’ve used it when talking to the person I want to say it to, but generally when describing the conversation later or simply rehashing it in my own mind.  For example – Co-worker isRead… Read more »

Change Agents, Don’t Be Fooled

“You will always be on the margins because all you have are these idealistic notions that don’t apply.”  That’s the fictional CEO in Amazon’s Enlightened, chewing out whistleblower Amy, played by Laura Dern. “Well if caring about something other than money is dopey, I’m a fuckin’ moron.” Amy started the series as an angry, ruthless career-climber. SheRead… Read more »