
Revenge of the Socially Awkward

“Let’s begin the staff meeting, all right?” Everybody rustles to their seats. “How you doing Joe? How was your weekend?” “Good. We caught the football game. What a killer.” I do not like, watch or endorse football and am praying this does not devolve into a discussion. On my left Mary whispers, “Pass me aRead… Read more »

Say Less – Earn More

“That’s great! Have a good night!” That is me, tiptoeing backwards. Because the other person won’t stop speaking. Sure, there’s a technique for handling this. But unfortunately not one that I ever mastered. “Did you say goodbye? I have a great story about goodbyes.” Oh no. Oh no. “Hang on just a second, I’ll walkRead… Read more »

Let’s Convert Lessons Observed into Lessons Learned

There’s a strong desire in the Federal Government to not only find innovative technologies – but to find innovative technology companies not presently doing business with the Federal Government. The Administration signaled the desire to find them and agencies, everywhere, are on the hunt. DC echoes with conversations about how to conduct market research toRead… Read more »

Tell It To Me Like I’m Stupid

“OK, let’s get him on the phone.” That’s radio talk show host Kane. It’s the 99.5 FM radio segment “War of the Roses,” it plays around 8 a.m. on weekdays, and it’s really fun to listen to him and Intern John catch cheaters in the act. In the script, Kane plays a guy who ownsRead… Read more »

Why You Can’t Take Good Advice

  I’ve been doing branding for a very long time. And one thing sets my best clients apart from the losers: Their ability to take sound advice. One client flat-out refused to pay. Another threw a shit fit at my boss. A third became enraged at me directly. The things I say aren’t rocket science, really.Read… Read more »

Be Thankful but Keep it In Perspective

Envision for a moment that Germany won World War II. They in turn created a holiday that celebrated this feat and ignored the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism. This holiday would be centered around families giving thanks for one of the biggest human rights travesties in world history. Businesses would close during this national observance. Schools wouldRead… Read more »

The 6 Foundational Elements of ECM

In the last few months, GovLoop has talked about the 10 benefits of going paperless and provided an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) crash course. ECM software allows organizations to manage their documents more effectively and automate workflows, helping remove tedious document management tasks to improve government efficiency. ECM’s six foundational building blocks include the abilityRead… Read more »

Amplify Your Professional Writing Skills

Some people are natural born writers who can easily string together concise messages with little to no effort. The rest of us are “writers-in-progress” who know it takes time to craft an effective business message. The best approach to strong business writing is varied and based on the several things: Solid research Editing skills TurningRead… Read more »

Please, Save Us From Your TMI

“I used to live near the Gowanus Expressway, do you know where that is?” “No.” “It’s pronounced GO-WAH-NUS.” “No kidding.” “I was going through a really tough time back then. I was poor.” “I’m sorry. I…” “Now I’m successful. REALLY successful.” “Yeah? Hey listen, I’ve got to go check on that – ” “I meanRead… Read more »