
Innovate From Where You Are

Every manager responsible for doing something different to get a better result must find a starting point. Much has been written about how to innovate, and good research informs us about phases, stages, and steps. Almost all of what is written comes from commercial innovation, but the basic lessons and best practices work in government,Read… Read more »

3 Tips to Make Training Stick for Today’s Attention Spans

In 1998, the average attention span could be held for 12 minutes. In 2008, the average attention span could be held for 5 minutes. In 2018, what will the average attention span be? This trend toward increasingly short attention spans is a major concern for training professionals that are trying to design more effective trainings. WhenRead… Read more »


DorobekINSIDER: FOSE is History

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: The Presidentail Management Fellows – what works and what doesn’t If you missed GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE: No fear – Everything you wanted to know about DOD’s JointRead… Read more »

Waking The Government Up From Its Slumber

“They get you, one way or another.” She had come up to me from behind. And hearing that voice I gave her a GIGANTIC hug, gigantic. ” —–! ” I roared. “It is so good to see you!” We stepped back for a second. Took each other in. “Well you haven’t changed,” she said. “AtRead… Read more »

8 Tips to Improve Your Writing

Writing’s tough. There’s no two ways around it. From being able to create an interesting narrative arc, to communicating your point clearly, to nailing grammar and punctuation, it’s a difficult subject to master. What makes it even more frustrating is that good writing is extremely important no matter your career choice. Professionally, being a weak writer orRead… Read more »

What is In a Name?

American Indian and Alaska Native peoples and governments have been an integral part of the North American landscape. Against tremendous odds, they have endured great hardship and tragedy and yet remain a viable cultural, political, social and moral presence. They have taught the world diversity and inclusion values that are now ingrained in the humanRead… Read more »

Defining Innovation

Definitions of innovation abound. And while we all live with variety and even ambiguity, it helps when people trying  to innovate are on the same page about what it means. defines innovation as “something new or different introduced.” Peter Drucker described it as the effort to create purposeful, systematic change in an enterprise’s economicRead… Read more »

That iPhone Under The Desk May Be Telling You Something

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is now the most prevalent psychiatric illness of young people in America, affecting 11 percent of them at some point between the ages of 4 and 17…. you may wonder whether something that affects so many people can really be a disease. – Richard A. Friedman, “A Natural Fix for ADHD,” The NewRead… Read more »

Eightfold Path to Public Service Enlightenment: Morality

Welcome back for part 2 of this series where we continue the journey down the Eightfold Path to Public Service Enlightenment. I will be building on concepts from last week so if you have not already read part one please do so. Eightfold Path to Public Service Enlightenment: Wisdom In part 1 we covered theRead… Read more »