
The Last Shall Be First and the First Shall Be Last

We know the key to building inclusive work environments is to recognize and embrace differences our colleagues and customers bring to the workplace and the marketplace. We are familiar with categories of differences like race, gender, age, generation, sexual orientation, ability, culture, language and personality. There is another difference that serves as a powerful influenceRead… Read more »

The Point of Darkness is Light

We’ve been in Santa Fe observing the rich. There they are, in packs of two or three or five. They wear $3,000 cowboy boots and ski pants and fur hats. The waiters and waitresses wait on them hand and foot and I can see them spitting contemptuously when nobody’s looking. I totally hate their vibe.Read… Read more »

How Racism Begets More Racism

Amanda Blackhorse is a Diné American Indian and lives on the Navajo Nation in Arizona. She is the lead plaintiff in Blackhorse v. Pro-Football which challenges the trademark protection of the term “Washington Redskins.” She and four other plaintiffs won their case against the Washington football team in June 2014 when the Trademark Trial andRead… Read more »

The Value of Volunteering is Not About Headcount, but Headway

Earlier last week, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) released a report on volunteering and civic life in America in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the U.S. Census Bureau. Promisingly, surveys of 100,000 subjects found that one in four American adults volunteer with an organization and nearly two-thirds engage in activities to helpRead… Read more »

Lead With Love

There are times when you dislike a person on sight and this was one of those times. Thin, tall, beautiful, irritable. Scowled when I asked for a bit more room on the bench, to accommodate family and coats. “What a bitch,” I thought. In quotes because so loudly it seemed out loud. We shuffled andRead… Read more »

Brand Is Only The Social Network

Remember the good old days of building a brand? The days of “Mad Men.” You took the client out for steak and wine. You wrote up a creative brief. You gave it to the client, who signed it. And then you delivered Choices A, B, and C. They chose one, and you did advertising. ARead… Read more »

All PR Is Good PR Except This

It happened one day while I was Googling myself. “She is a sociopath,” or something like that. “Good luck if you have to deal with her.” A comment, online, that referred to me. You are thinking I brushed that comment off, right? Like I’m so cool, and practiced, and nothing bothers me. Hell no! ItRead… Read more »