
Greater Open Data Use with Government

We all have our day-to-day job titles – CEO, Associate Director, Office Assistant, Mom, Dad. But there is one title we all share: Chief Data Officer. Surprised? This was a constant theme at Tuesday’s GovDelivery 8th Annual Federal Communications Summit. A panel of big data communication experts answered some important questions about open data andRead… Read more »

Humanity in Human Data

“Treat human data with humanity.” This was the plea from Jer Thorp, data artist and keynote speaker at GovLoop’s 4th Annual Government Communications Summit, gave to the audience. That’s a relatively simple request, right? Turns out, not really. It’s pretty easy to get lost in the data, and forget the people that are using it,Read… Read more »

The Government is What You Make of It

Do one thing for me: ask Google to show you the Papal inauguration in 2005 versus the one in 2013. Notice anything different? Yeah, I thought so. On Tuesday, GovDelivery hosted a federal communications summit that emphasized how gov employees can leverage data to influence the communities they serve. Keynote speaker Abhi Nemani asked the crowdRead… Read more »

The Data Goldmine for Federal Government

“You are clearly not intimated by ‘big’ if you work for the federal government.” That’s how Scott Burns, CEO and founder of GovDelivery, kicked off his keynote at GovDelivery’s 8th Annual Federal Communications Summit on Tuesday. Burns pointed out that people had always told him not to take on federal clients — they were tooRead… Read more »

Stick to the Ohh/Aah Principle

Jer Thorp is a data artist. He literally breathes life into data, by creating interactive visualizations of immense data sets. At today’s GovDelivery 8th Annual Federal Federal Communications Summit, he introduced what he calls the Ohh/Aah Principle. This idea guides how he presents data and, after today, it should guide the way your present dataRead… Read more »

Public Agencies Recognized for Exemplary Digital Communications

The Outreach & Impact Awards, designed to honor the best in digital communication in the public sector, were announced yesterday at GovDelivery’s 8th Annual Federal Communications Summit in Washington, D.C. The 2014 awards were given to four outstanding public agencies that use digital communications to drive public engagement and action: The Maximizer Award honors organizationsRead… Read more »