
When Innovation Holds You Hostage

Everyone’s got ideas. My father-in-law has a million. They just pop out of his head the same way you and I breathe. Before any of us could spell “metrosexual,” Dad made his own “Magic Cream.” No chapped hands in the winter and nobody called him a girl. When we weren’t sure if the kids needed changing, DadRead… Read more »

7 Ways You Kill Creativity in Your Meeting

Do your meetings have a creative killer? Newsrooms call them “story killers,” the naysayers at meetings who repeatedly shoot down stories while unsuspecting victims are trying to generate new ideas. Creative killers assassinate ideas, breeding fear and limiting impact for hundreds, maybe even thousands. These idea deaths never get investigated and their potential never getsRead… Read more »

Life in the Digital Age: Photo Essays and Images

Since early 2010 I’ve been creating photo essays and capturing and sharing images from around the world that illustrate life in the Digital Age. In addition to reflecting the latest digital trends and new applications, my goal has been to highlight some of the timeless and transitional aspects of the new era in which theRead… Read more »

10 Benefits of Going Paperless

It’s no secret that paper-based processes power government services. Using emerging technology, agencies are moving traditionally paper-based workflows to digital applications. This means everything from processing benefit claims, to paying a parking ticket, or filing for a building permit can now be conducted online. Shifting workflows to digital provides efficiency gains to field workers, caseworkersRead… Read more »

How Much Would You Tip the Government?

Pollution. Poverty. Health. Infrastructure. These are just a few of the extraordinary challenges government face today. With increased citizens demands, coupled with decreased public resources, government is often placed in a very difficult position to adequately meet the needs of its diverse array of citizens. Throw Congressional gridlock into the mix and you have aRead… Read more »

Try Crowdsourcing: No Surprises on Election Day

It’s no surprise that local governments are utilizing crowdsourcing to solve some of their biggest problems. Crowdsourcing, after all, uses some of the same basic tenets as democracy: where the decisions that serve a body are governed by the majority. Crowdsourcing is being used as a means to allocate budgets, cut waste, and solve longstandingRead… Read more »