
Research. Communications. Public Engagement. Oh My!

As an engagement practitioner, I find that people are often confused about the distinction between research, communications and public engagement. Of course clearing up this confusion often begins with knowing whether each field is seen by the audience as being distinct and separate or just one big mess of government stuff. And whether there isRead… Read more »

Mobile Apps: The New Security Breach

Imagine a bright red Lamborghini parked outside of your front door and a sign right next to it screaming “FREE!” Initial reaction….Score! Secondary reaction……What’s the catch? With a little bit of healthy skepticism, you might reach the conclusion that the new gift may come with a hidden price tag. Because of the high market purchaseRead… Read more »

State of Being as a Peninsula

Have you ever thought of yourself as an island? That you are surrounded by those that do not get you, try to tear you down, and are uninterested in your plight. Perhaps the seas around you are rough and you are just trying to brace for what you feel is the impending metaphorical meteorological calamityRead… Read more »

Research. Communications. Public Engagement. Oh. My.

As an engagement practitioner, I find that people are often confused about the distinction between research, communications and public engagement. Of course clearing up this confusion often begins with knowing whether each field is seen by the audience as being distinct and separate or just one big mess of government stuff. And whether there isRead… Read more »

Digital Engagement Strategy Series: Tell a Story

By John Simpson, Engagement Consultant at GovDelivery There are a few basic components that anyone can leverage when beginning to develop the framework for their digital engagement strategy or evaluate an existing one. This blog series will go into each of these basics reviewed in our webinar on Stakeholder Engagement in Federal Government to provideRead… Read more »

Climbing Out of the Rabbit Hole

I rejoined the Federal government in 2010 after a 10-year hiatus where I explored opportunities in the private sector. I was lured back into the federal fold by the promise of working on an amazing (and amazingly difficult) project. For the last four years I’ve been working with economists, lawyers, computer scientists, and engineers toRead… Read more »