
Bringing a Higher Level of Emotional Intelligence to the Workplace

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to monitor one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Being able to detect different emotions and label them appropriately as well as react to them appropriately is what emotional intelligence is all about. I would go a step further to say that emotional intelligence inRead… Read more »

America’s Data Agency: How the Commerce Department is Transforming Our World With Data

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker has been a champion of open data This week at the Esri User Conference, attendees have been called to become “architects of the future.” We live in a world where data is driving decisions, and now, it is the responsibility of public servants to look to data as aRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Tim Fullerton Discusses Citizen Engagement

The goal of social media is to turn customers into a volunteer marketing army. –Jay Baer Just a few years ago social media was seen as an adolescent playground. Selfies, Facebook pokes, and pointless status updates created what seemed to be a cesspool of millennial playtime. Times have changed. If you don’t have an ongoingRead… Read more »

Five Easy Tips for Improving your Internal Organizational Culture

What is your sense of the culture of your organization? Is it mission-focused, optimistic about succeeding and engaged in tackling difficult issues with an anxiousness to solve them? Or has it become a territorial, negative, bureaucratic enterprise where every opportunity is met with “we could never do that” excuses that roll off the tongues ofRead… Read more »

How to Add Usability to Any Project

The secret to usability is not brilliant design. Even the most talented designers have difficulty being creative on demand. Artistic talent helps but it is not a requirement. Anyone can create good, usable products. There are a few techniques to help you create good designs. One secret to good design is using iterative processes. YouRead… Read more »

Celebrate Your Social Media Successes, But Don’t Forget Community Trust is the Key

In June Baltimore Police Department hit a milestone on Twitter, reaching 50,000 followers. In celebration of this, they released the following video, reflecting the department’s achievement and thanking the community for helping them make Baltimore’s streets safer. It is an awesome video and I totally support and respect organisations celebrating like this. It’s important forRead… Read more »