
3 Ways Leaders Can Get More From Social Media (With Some Help from Motown)

If you’re a chief exec or a leader, you’ve probably given Twitter, blogging or even Facebook a go. Maybe you love it. But are you getting the most from it? Sometimes people tell me they’re on social media, they’re starting positive conversations about their work but they’re fed up of the same old topics croppingRead… Read more »

3 Rules for Gov Communicators to Master Media Relations (Part II)

Fostering effective media relations can be a challenging endeavor for anyone, including public sector communicators. This is due, in large part, to a history of adversarial relations between government and the so-called Fourth Estate. Thus it’s essential for government communicators to break down this firewall and build bridges instead. With this in mind, you shouldRead… Read more »

Disrupting Inequality: Design Thinking for Upward Mobility

Last week, we celebrated the launch of Living Cities’ latest interactive annual report Disrupting Inequality: Living Cities’ Perspective in 2013. Living Cities is an innovative collaboration among 22 foundations and financial institutions committed to improving the lives of low-income people and the cities where they live. This year, the Living Cities report is focused onRead… Read more »

Introducing the General Services Administration’s Silent Hero: Vanessa Ros

Young Government Leaders (YGL) and GovLoop present the NextGen Public Service Awards for superior public service and achievement. The 4th Annual NextGen Public Service Awards will be given at the 2014 NextGen Award’s Ceremony, which will kick off the NextGen Training Summit on July 23rd in Washington, DC. We have 18 finalists in six differentRead… Read more »

5 Ways to Hold Better, More Effective Meetings

I have something to admit: I love a good meeting. Getting people face-to-face can bring out some great ideas and create new ways to address problems in a collaborative environment. Meetings can inspire and invigorate you. But nothing is worse than a pointless meeting. Unfortunately, I attend a lot of those too. Meetings serve aRead… Read more »

Take A Risk, Learn, Iterate – Rinse and Repeat

Young Government Leaders (YGL) and GovLoop present the NextGen Public Service Awards for superior public service and achievement. The 4th Annual NextGen Public Service Awards will be given at the 2014 NextGen Award’s Ceremony, which will kick off the NextGen Training Summit on July 23rd in Washington, DC. We have 18 finalists in six differentRead… Read more »