
Transparency Ratings Should be Free of Organizational Agendas

The Center for Public Integrity’s state corruption index has hit the news again this past week, giving most states terrible grades on transparency and accountability and suggesting that our states governments are corrupt. The study, completed in 2011, was put together by journalists in state capitals choosing 330 questions and was peer reviewed by manyRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Wearable Technology — Let Fashion Rule

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER was held Wednesday. We’re LIVE! We host these events once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas — because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Listen to the Archive David Fletcher, Utah’s CTO, helpedRead… Read more »

Will We Ever Be Able to Promote in the Federal Government?

Other bloggers have written some excellent articles on ways to improve government hiring practices including Donna Dyer’s excellent blogs. I see an issue regarding promoting people within the federal government and offer a suggestion for improvement from the state of California. Where’s the Promotion? On several occasions, my supervisor lamented the lack of easy, transparentRead… Read more »

Bringing It All Together: Scaling Buy-In for Urban Mobility

Recently, there has been significant focus on urban transportation issues ranging from pedestrian and cyclist safety to the way we allocate parking in cities. In NYC, initiatives like VisionZero hope to increase safety on the streets while the DOT’s off-hours delivery program aims to decrease freight congestion at peak times. On Thursday, Community Board 3Read… Read more »

Successfully Remote – Moving Out of the Office and into Success

Young Government Leaders (YGL) and GovLoop present the NextGen Public Service Awards for superior public service and achievement. The 4th Annual NextGen Public Service Awards will be given at the 2014 NextGen Award’s Ceremony, which will kick off the NextGen Training Summit on July 23rd in Washington, DC. We have 18 finalists in six differentRead… Read more »

60% of People Find Process Problems Biggest Issue Impacting Performance

Poor processes equals pissed off employees! Pissed off employees equals pissed off customers and constituents. We all have things that annoy us about our job. When you spend nearly 40% of your day (or more) in the office, you’re likely to find a few things frustrating. An overwhelming 60 % of people said poor processesRead… Read more »

Want Better Ideas? Then You Should Never Say ‘But.’

“I like your creativity and where this is going, but…” It doesn’t even matter what your boss says next—she’s already decided that your idea is awful. Your fate was sealed the moment she uttered ‘but.’ The praise before that dreaded conjunction does nothing to soften the blow. As the old adage goes, everything before theRead… Read more »

Leading Across Boundaries in an Era of Complex Challenges

Governments today face serious, seemingly intractable public management issues that go to the core of effective governance and leadership. Government leaders are presented with difficult choices, but also unprecedented opportunities. The right kind of leadership approach and style can drive change in government. From budget reductions to a struggling economy, disasters to pandemics, the seeminglyRead… Read more »

Want Gov Innovation? Lift Off with NASA

If you want to know about major innovation in the public sector then look to NASA. The space agency is a crown jewel of government innovation and a global role model for groundbreaking scientific research and discovery. NASA serves as a reminder to America of what’s possible when Uncle Sam harnesses his full potential, asRead… Read more »