
On the Frontlines of Government’s Technological Transformation

In 1975 we saw the invention of the personal computer. In 2002 the first wave of smartphones hit the market. In 2008 the federal government considered cloud computing for the first time. James Sills has been witness to it all. And for the past five years, Sills has been the chief information officer for theRead… Read more »

Want to Be Seen as Professional? 3 Important Tips

Professionalism in the workplace is a hot topic. Being a “professional” portrays various images based on your perception of its definition. So, what’s your perception? We often think of a suited-up individual with a briefcase. Professionalism is often associated with competence and skill. However, being a skilled employee is not the same as being aRead… Read more »

Text Messaging vs. Mobile Instant Messaging

/> Over the course of the last year, I have noticed a rapidly rising organizational interest amongst my clients in using “text messaging” for communications purposes; specifically for opt-in notifications. The main reasons are quite obvious: 26.3% of Canadian households have no land-line (Convergence Consulting Group, 2014) The smartphone penetration rate is now at aRead… Read more »

Taxi Cabs Debates and What’s the Role of Gov – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What’s the appeal of secret societies? Oftentimes, they push members to excel, and make them feel like a part of a team effort. They allow their members to feel apart of an organization and push them to excel. Government doesn’t have any secret organization (or at least ones I know of),Read… Read more »

The Secret to Success? Collaboration

When you read about getting ahead in life, many times you’ll hear people discussing cutthroat options, ruthlessness, or other ways of dealing with the competition. But we really think that it’s actually collaboration that’s the key to success. Oftentimes, being a member of a collaborative group pushes members to excel, and make them feel likeRead… Read more »

Social and Digital Engagement: You Can’t Outsource Leadership

Not content to focus on the benefits that social and digital engagement can bring, some advocates like to issue warnings about the inevitable demise of organizations that don’t jump on the social and digital bandwagons. Succumbing to that pressure, or perhaps feeling compelled by the bandwagon effect itself, leaders have gradually become interested in addingRead… Read more »

The Challenges State Leaders Face in Delivering True Fiscal Transparency

Most states have decided to list their expenses so their citizens can see where tax dollars are being spent. Listing the thousand, or millions, of individual transactions is good in theory, but these endless lists of expenditures fall dramatically short in providing the kind of transparency people yearn for as government continues to expand. GoodRead… Read more »

Another One Bites the Dust? Cybersecurity Done Right on DorobekINSIDER Live

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER was held Wednesday. We’re LIVE! We host these events once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas — because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Let’s get one thing straight, your data is atRead… Read more »

7 Ways to Make Your Meetings More Exciting

Meetings compose a large amount of your work time, but are they time well spent? Efficiency can be increased or decimated by the timing and structure of meetings. Think about the impact multiplier for each participant. Starting an eight person meeting 15 minutes late wastes two hours of work for the organization. Bad meetings areRead… Read more »