
Preparing to talk big data with chief data officers – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Are hackers the biggest threat to government cybersecurity professionals? Insiders? And what can be done? Insights on a new survey from SolarWinds Chris LaPoint. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at But up front: Preparing to talk big data with chief data officers ThereRead… Read more »

New Research Shows Top 3 Ways for Improving Communications in U.K. Government Organisations

In 2014, around 100 U.K. government communication professionals were surveyed to determine the most important trends driving public sector communication with the public and stakeholders. GovDelivery published the results in an e-book, the UK Trends E-book. Here are some of the findings. Naturally, there were varied responses to our survey; however, communicators tended to shareRead… Read more »

Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day? 7 Reasons not to be Fooled

Several years ago, when social media was really starting to take off, the idea that an individual or organization could successfully engage in “just minutes a day,” was rampant. Then reality sunk in and people recognized that effective engagement requires time, hard work, and commitment. Finding ways to be more efficient and effective was stillRead… Read more »

One Man’s Mission – Ethics Reform

Missouri is home to some of the weakest ethic laws in the county. The Show-Me-State is the only state in the country that does not limit the amount of money that can be given in campaign contributions and also does not put a limit on the personal gifts that lobbyists can give to legislators. JasonRead… Read more »

The Real Pay Debate – Not A Number, But Proper Compensation

Your pay is up for debate, yet again. A new Congressional Research Service report, Selected Characteristics of Private and Public Sector Workers, continues the debate that came to the forefront during the 2010 election season over whether federal employees are overpaid, or in the view of some, underpaid. But, comparing wages and benefits of governmentRead… Read more »

Government Customer Satisfaction Levels Leave Room for Improvement

Last week, the Federal Consulting Group (FCG) hosted the 2014 Government Customer Satisfaction Forum. The program was jam-packed with public sector and private sector experts, including: Ross Smith from the Office of Technology for the Veterans Administration spoke on his efforts to increase satisfaction of different tech-related interactions Dr. Forrest Morgeson with the American CustomerRead… Read more »

6 Main Challenges to Creating a Resilient Community & Your Resiliency Checklist

On Tuesday April 8th, GovLoop hosted our third annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit. This year we focused on “Innovations that Matter” and how to make innovation stick at your agency. Read this recap of our session creating resilient communities, and stay tuned for a link to the full recordings. More blog coverage of the SummitRead… Read more »

The Inside Track on Open Data

There’s no denying that today’s technology provides immense opportunity to transform the way government engages with citizens. Through mobile, cloud, GIS and social media, government can be where the citizens are, and provide critical services when needed. At the heart of this technological transformation lies data. That’s why so many agencies have committed themselves toRead… Read more »