
10-Point Plan to Land Dream Job for Millennials, Gen Z & All Generations

Small children have big dreams. As a kid I wanted to be everything from a NASA astronaut to a Major League baseball star. Yet as most people age and mature their dreams tend to evaporate and morph into something more practical and attainable. But impractical does not mean impossible. That is, if you’re really willingRead… Read more »

Selling Out

During a period of more than 10 years, as a CEO, Director, and Board Chairman, I have been responsible for disposing of three organizations and have been an acquisition target of two other organizations. I have been a close observer of several others. Here’s what I learned. Start Early. From concept to handing over theRead… Read more »

To Telework On Sunny Days? – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Monday brought another round of winter weather to the DC metro region. The federal government was closed, but not for teleworkers. Teleworkers were able to continue on, business as usual. The question becomes, if telework is acceptable/necessary on days when the weather if foul, is telework also an advantage on days when the sun isRead… Read more »

Good Communication between Operations and IT is Vital to Growth

There are reasons that the co-operation between your Operations function and your IT function are difficult. The conflicting agendas and miss-matched expectations that these two areas naturally have can be difficult to overcome. However, like many relationships, solving the communications breakdown and developing a good two-way dialog between them is a key to your organization’sRead… Read more »

Esri Leading the Charge with President’s Climate Data Initiative

On Wednesday, March 19, the White House, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), hosted an event highlighting the Administrations commitment to combating climate change and building resilient communities. “Climate change and preparing for its impacts is one of the challenges this nation faces,”Read… Read more »

Learn What Your Building is Telling You: Smarter Buildings Digital Resources

Our buildings are creating troves of data, which deserve careful study and analysis. To explore this dynamic, GovLoop and the IBM® Smarter Buildings Team have partnered to provide you with the need-to-know information on how to transform your agency by unlocking your building data. We have created a white paper, conducted an online training webinarRead… Read more »

3 Digital Comm Trends In State And Local Gov

In the past few years the scope of digital communications in government has gone through a tremendous change. Gone are the days when a simple press release would suffice. Now governments at all levels are responsible for communications outreach through many different channels; emails, social media, text messaging etc. For a local Parks and Recreation’sRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER LIVE: The Internet of Things for Government

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! We are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. For March’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE we are talking about the InternetRead… Read more »

Boost Climate Change Preparedness and Resilience – White House Event

The White House, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are hosting an event highlighting the impacts of climate change. The event will include new announcements on how to deploy data-driven technologies and leverage freely available open government data to build products and services that strengthen ourRead… Read more »

From Zero to Growth (How to Double Your Revenue & Profit in Three Years)!

How do you take what others have learned and best synthesize it and apply it to your business? Having recently found myself at a business seminar and networking opportunity, with the founder of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, I listened to his key points about entrepreneurs and building his businesses, not only with my business in mind, but withRead… Read more »