
Overcoming Barriers to Operational Change

Beyond natural human resistance there are three huge barriers to improvement in our organizations. Recognizing these barriers and knowing some ways to overcome them makes operational improvement much simpler and effective. Leadership turnover can be the first item that is detrimental to positive operational change. Leadership turnover can be seen as an opportunity to derailRead… Read more »

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Delivering alpha performance reporting dashboards | Digital Health Origami – Design prototyping with Quartz Composer (free from Facebook) Daring Fireball: Microsoft, Past and Future – excellent read Splat the rat – our never ending web rationalisation | Digital Health The endemic flaw in the BBC’s digitalRead… Read more »

The F-word, contractors, and women

What I’ve come to realize over the course of my career is that there are some male contractors who will accuse engineers/inspectors who are women of using the F-word in an effort to discredit them or get them into trouble. And I think the recent reaction to the use of this word by a U.S.Read… Read more »

You Are Your Brand

“You work to make a difference and to want to make a meaningful contribution to those around you and for your organization. You don’t work to seek for being loved by all. If everyone in the organization acts as they agree with you but do not want to communicate with you, you have a problem.Read… Read more »

The art of 21st century political protests – and preparing for when it is turned on government agencies and companies

The right for citizens to express political views and to protest (within limits) against specific acts, or inaction, by politicians is one of the fundamental and defining principles of democratic government and has been in place for, well, as long as there’s been democracies. In fact this principle is one which democracies frequently use toRead… Read more »

Priorities List: Did Your Top Concerns Make It?

Ever heard the phrase, “What’s good for the gander, is good for the goose?” In government, the sentiment holds true. What is good for the federal government, is good for the state and local governments too. That is why the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has released their annual list of federalRead… Read more »

All Politics Are Local, Does That Apply To Email Too? – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

The phrase, “All politics is local” is a common phrase in politics, coined by former Speaker of the U.S. House Tip O’Neill. The message is simple, a politician’s success is directly tied to his ability to understand and influence the issues of his constituents. The same is true for email. You have to target yourRead… Read more »

Design Dilemma, Why Mapping the Future Matters

Every summer, my family would load into our minivan and journey more than 21 hours to my grandparents house in Denver, Colorado. As you can imagine, 21 hours in car with four younger brothers is a nightmare. The only way I was able to distract myself, was to track our progress on the massive nation-wideRead… Read more »