
How Cancer Research UK is using mobile gaming to conduct medical research

Recently the World Health Organisation announced that cancer had overtaken heart disease as the number one killer of Australians, as well as being the number one killer of people globally. The WHO had another message as well. That cancer was a largely preventable disease. Humans have lots of medical data about cancer. With millions ofRead… Read more »

What Are Sport’s Best Leadership Lessons?

“Why not me?” Why not us?” Fabulous words uttered by the Seahawk’s quarterback, Russell Wilson, to his teammates prior to the conclusion of the 2013 season. First spoken by his late father, who encouraged Wilson to look beyond his height and find his brilliance, these words might well be used by any person or organizationRead… Read more »

Open Gov Defined – More Than A Noun, A Verb Of Gov Transformation

If you ask 20 people to define open government, you will get 20 different responses. The lack of uniformed definitions makes implementing open government services very difficult. It would be like asking a pastry chef to bake a cherry pie and then providing 20 different recipes. The chef would have no idea which pie youRead… Read more »

State of the Union 2014 at the White House Social: A Remarkable Day

It’s not every day you receive an invitation to the White House. On Tuesday, January 28th, a select group of social media savvy citizens who actively engage with the White House were invited to watch President Obama’s State of the Union live from the White House and live-tweet the address. Around 60 participants were chosenRead… Read more »

The SAPLING Approach to Leveraging Social Media

Everybody’s doing it. Should you? Are you trying to decide whether to create a stronger digital presence? Have you dabbled with social media but aren’t sure what to do next? Have you experimented with different tools and technologies and find you’re disappointed by the results? If you (or someone you know) can answer “yes” toRead… Read more »

Return to Menlo Park

Sigh… I’ve been wrong about Facebook 1.5 times so far. The first time, with the advent of Google+, I predicted that a social network that begins with circles would triumph over one that seeks to make everything you say or do available to all of humanity. I said Google+ would kill Facebook. Yes I did.Read… Read more »