
Private Social Networks: Every Organization Needs Them

Summary: This post highlights the risks associated with public social media platforms and describes how private social networks (aka private digital networks) can reduce those risks while also enhancing communication and collaboration among organizational stakeholders. It counters the main points of resistance offered by organizational leaders and articulates the importance of being prepared to establishRead… Read more »

Excellence on Display – The Oscars for Federal Employees

The Service to America Medals are the Oscars of public service awards. The annual awards – by the Partnership for Public Service – are given to outstanding public servants. Last year’s recipients included a NIH scientist who found the superbug infecting patients, a NASA rocket scientist who helped create the Mars Rover and a youngRead… Read more »

Big Bad Big Data – Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Information Overload

2013 may very well go down as the year of big data. At every government conference, training, networking summit, someone was talking about how big data was transforming the way their organization operates. But one program rose above the rest. This year the Army’s EMDS was selected as FedScoop’s IT Program of the Year basedRead… Read more »

Reducing the Role of Email in Organizations: Change is Overdue

Summary: Although social technology advocates have been calling for the death of email for several years, it’s still the dominant digital channel by which people in organizations communicate and collaborate. The role of email in our work lives should be reduced, however, both because of its own inefficiencies and the increased availability of better tools.Read… Read more »

Forget Cyber Monday – There is a holiday hiring spree

Ok, a hiring spree might be a bit of a stretch. But the government really is hiring. Despite all the bad publicity, the shutdown, the sequester, the pay freeze, the furloughs, the government really is looking to hire new talent on a daily basis. (You can check out GovLoop’s top job openings here.) However, thereRead… Read more »

Old Faithful Goes Digital: Google’s Partnership with The U.S. National Park Service

When the government shut down in October 2013, employees were furloughed, websites were sent offline, and delivery of important government services was interrupted. These were all difficult consequences for our nation. Yet, the one effect of the shutdown that seemed to foster the most frustration was an unexpected one: the closing of our national parks.Read… Read more »

Even President Obama is sounding the procurement alarm

In last week’s Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Special Report, President Obama was asked what he has learned from the experience. In his response, he focused squarely on federal procurement problems, and particularly on the feds struggle in procuring IT, by stating, “[the] way the federal government does procurement and does IT is justRead… Read more »