
POST RELEASE: Life After the Press Release Dies

It’s seven years since the ground-breaking post ‘Die! Press Release! Die! Die!’ was written. Tom Foremski’s this-can’t-go-on wail reads as powerfully as a Martin Luther deconstruction of one of the central pillars of the public relations industry. “I’ve been telling the PR industry for some time now that things cannot go along as they are,”Read… Read more »

Unleashing Your Power Within

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” – Tony Robbins In Tony Robbins’ audio book, Unleash the Power Within: Personal Coaching from Anthony Robbins That Will Transform Your Life!, he says that all human behavior is driven by beliefs and beliefs carry consequences. So whatever you believe about yourself, willRead… Read more »

Back to Basics: 6 Leadership Strategies for IT Professionals

We’ve seen how complex government IT projects are. From the projects to countless small-scale initiatives, learning how to properly implement and deploy technology projects is a huge undertaking for government agencies. So where can we begin? It’s clear that dynamic leadership in the public sector is needed to successfully deploy and implement an ITRead… Read more »

A thank you note to all the govies – Plus your Thanksgiving Reads!

This past year has brought tremendous upheaval to the public sector. Sequestration slashed budgets, furloughs created backlogs and the shutdown shuttered progress. But through it all government employees stood tall and stuck to their mission. For that, we here at GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER thank you. But it is not enough to just say thank you, no,Read… Read more »

Five practical applications of government big data

2013 may go down as the year of big data and data analytics. But according to a new report by IBM and the Partnership for Public Service, big data has been around since the 1970s. The report titled,From Data to Decisions III – Lessons from Early Analytics Programs, showcases five government cases studies where agenciesRead… Read more »

Honoring JFK’s Civil Rights Legacy

President John F. Kennedy played a significant role in shaping the legal landscape and evolution of groundbreaking civil rights laws in America — a role which transcended the times in which he lived. Moreover, through his words and deeds JFK helped change the hearts and minds of some otherwise bigoted whites for whom discrimination wasRead… Read more »

The Transformative Power of the Internet – Plus Your Weekend Reads

In the 21st century the world runs on the internet. But so very few of us understand the power behind the mouse. In part four of the DorobekINSIDER’s interview with journalist and author Andrew Blum, we look at how these connected networks are transforming the way we live, work and think. It seems to beRead… Read more »