
A Look at TSA Security Policies – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Diversity among employees and a myriad of communication channels can make workplace misunderstandings all the more frequent. So how do you avoid and overcome these misunderstandings? Insights from Tom Fox from the Partnership for Public Service. But up front: The LAX TSA Shooting Federal prosecutors have filed charges against Paul A.Read… Read more »

Are you hearing me? How to resolve workplace misunderstandings

The workplace is filled with misunderstandings both big and small. An off hand comment can send a workplace spiraling. The diversity of the government make misunderstandings even more common. Because of varied backgrounds, experiences and perceptions, employees can interpret messages from managers quite differently, leading to confusion and conflict. So how do you get aroundRead… Read more »

Best Practices for a Culture of Communication

In a recent blog post I outlined the four main pillars of Project Intelligence, a new approach which seeks to improve government project execution by providing project managers with more information to make better decisions. In the era of budget cuts and limited resources, finding new ways to keep projects on time and in scopeRead… Read more »

What Does it Take to Excel With Big Data?

Ever feel like there is data everywhere – yet not an insight to be found? It’s a common challenge facing organizations today, especially as organizations are flooded with information. The good news is that we are just getting started with big data, and innovations will continue to accelerate as regulations take hold, infrastructures are built,Read… Read more »

How to Build Your Foundation for IT Innovation

There are a lot of interesting trends shaping government – the move to self-service platforms, cloud, mobile and leveraging big data. Although these trends are unique, one constant is that across all emerging trends, they are powered by documents. Proper document management is essential to deliver services in new ways and improve internal efficiencies. AsRead… Read more »