
Partnerships for Innovation: Private and Public Sector Collaboration at Google

As GovLoop has reported, customer service is essential to the agency of the future. Fortunately, advances in technology are allowing agencies to excel in delivering customer service. For example, social media allows customers to engage directly with organizations while analytics allows companies to learn how to serve their clients. In public and private agencies realRead… Read more »

Governance: Strategies to think about

Governance has always been sort of a hot button issue. Now more than ever organizations are really trying to figure out how to get the right mix of governance that enables them to have repeatable processes to understand what’s working, what’s not, and drive repeatable performance. I’ve always believed that good governance starts with anRead… Read more »

Army Corps of Engineers Closes Regulatory Offices

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will close its regulatory offices because of the federal shutdown. Due to the closures, the regulatory offices are unable to look at individual permit applications, pre-construction notifications for nationwide permit or regional general permit authorizations or requests for jurisdictional determinations. The nationwide permit containing pre-construction notifications must wait 45Read… Read more »

Are You Fully Prepared Against a Cyber Attack? Results From Our GovLoop Cyber Survey

This month is cybersecurity month, and GovLoop has a variety of guides, trainings and resources for you to improve your agencies cybersecurity efforts. Last month, GovLoop released the guide, Winning the Cybersecurity Battle, as part of our Agency of the Future series. Today, I wanted to take a moment to talk through some of theRead… Read more »

#GovShutdown – Day 15, Senate makes progress – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We’ll say it as many times as it takes: “You Are Essential!” Every federal employee is essential. But the “You Are Essential” mantra doesn’t change the fact that some people were required to work during the shutdown, while some were furloughed. That situation could mean some awkwardness when the government reopens.Read… Read more »

Essentially Non-Essential – How to deal with the monikers when gov reopens

We’ll say it as many times as it takes: “You Are Essential!” Yes, you heard us. Every federal employee is essential. That’s why GovLoop launched the You Are Essential campaign. (To join in and get some sweet swag click here.) But the “You Are Essential” mantra doesn’t change the fact that some people were requiredRead… Read more »

3 Customer Personas Your Customer Service Department Should Be Ready For

Knowing who your customers are is essential to having any successful business venture. I’m not talking about knowing their names or their locations (those are important) but knowing what makes them tick and their personalities is far more valuable. In our recent report: The Customer Service Playbook for Government, we go through all the waysRead… Read more »

The Washington Redskins need a name change – and so do these terms

President Obama recently suggested that the Washington Redskins change their name to something less offensive. Owner Dan Snyder responded last week with an impassioned letter that ends “We are Redskins Nation … and we owe it to our fans and coaches and players, past and present, to preserve that heritage.” I imagine this same toneRead… Read more »

3 Potential Outcomes to Fiscal Stalemate: how and when will it end?

According to the so-called “conventional wisdom” in Washington, the current fiscal impasse should end any day now. This is especially true as Thursday’s deadline fast approaches for dodging a disastrous debt default. Moreover, the American people’s anger continues to grow over the government shutdown. But what is considered to be Washington wisdom these days mayRead… Read more »

On the move – Gov Communication Conference Gets Pushed Back

The government shutdown has sucked up all the oxygen surrounding the federal government. It’s impossible to focus on engaging stakeholders and federal communication best practices when hundreds of thousands of feds are furloughed. But communications best practices are essential. When agencies return to full capacity they will need to know the best ways to engageRead… Read more »