
Shutting Down the Government in a 24/7 World

Shutting down the federal government in a 24/7 world isn’t easy. During the last government shutdown in 1995, the Internet wasn’t yet mainstream. That didn’t happen until 1999, so workers weren’t wired to check and respond to email from anywhere, anytime. Government workers didn’t work remotely in 1995. The Telecommute Enhancement Act of 2010 hasRead… Read more »

What keeps me in the government is…

“What has kept in me in the federal government is the satisfaction of knowing I am making a difference. Yes it has been tough, there have been furloughs and negative discussions, but for the people that work here at the FBI, they take great pride in their work and their whole mission is to justRead… Read more »

Hiring Social Media Experts: Guidance for (Rookie) Buyers

Summary: Most people would agree that hiring social media experts – whether you’re looking for a consultant or to fill an in-house role – is a dicey proposition, especially for buyers who aren’t very digitally sophisticated themselves. This post provides general guidance for organizations looking to hire consultants, contractors, and/or employees to lead and helpRead… Read more »

Coping with the Shutdown: Federal Data

The Federal Government has shut down operations. It’s not the first such event (there were three in 1977 alone), though it does have certain unique characteristics. Leaving the politics aside for the moment, what’s a civic hacker or data journalist to do when most of the government web and FTP presence is unreachable as well?Read… Read more »

Top Five Government Contracts of 2013

From the Air Force to Health and Human services, 2013 proved to be an exciting expensive year for government contracts. These large federal contracts run into the billions, so smaller businesses or companies will have a more difficult time competing. However, for any contractor of any size, it is interesting to see what the governmentRead… Read more »

#GovShutdown Reader Day 2 – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: One of the only ways to get through the horribleness that is the government shutdown is to remember all the good work that federal employees do on a daily basis. We profile a metallurgist who is saving lives on stent at a time. Not much hope in with the shutdown. TheRead… Read more »

Profile of government excellence – Helps us remember the importance of gov

One of the only ways to get through the horribleness that is the government shutdown is to remember all the good work that federal employees do on a daily basis. Tomorrow night is the annual Service to America Medals gala. The Oscars for career federal employees. Dr. Paul Jablonski is a metallurgist with the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Collective Impact: A Game Changing Model for the Social Sector

I recently asked NCDD supporting member Marty Jacobs to write a primer for the NCDD blog on “collective impact.” This strategy for large-scale collaborative change has been gaining momentum among funders and nonprofit thought leaders, and we wanted to make sure NCDD members are aware of the concept. Marty Jacobs has been teaching and consultingRead… Read more »

Become a Lifelong Learner

Quote: “He who stops being better stops being good.” – Oliver Cromwell The Japanese have a word that symbolizes constant, never-ending improvement. That word is kaizen. Many of the world’s most successful people have adopted this philosophy as well. Achievers commit to ongoing continual improvement. What about you? In today’s world, a certain amount ofRead… Read more »