
How to Enable Holistic Care for Individuals – The Smarter Care Approach

How can agencies enable holistic and individualized care to citizens? This is the crux of the issue for improving social programs in the public sector. In today’s world, there are a variety of issues that come into play when providing social programs to those in need. It’s beyond just looking at lifestyle choices, social determinantsRead… Read more »

Another historic moment in South Eastern Europe

Earlier today our fellow government communicators in the nation states of South Eastern Europe established the first not-for-profit professional association in the region dedicated to advancing the government communications profession. The South Eastern Europe Public Sector Communication Association (SEECOM) will formalize the international partnership among senior public sector communicators that began at the South EasternRead… Read more »

Social Media & Free Speech: Appeals Court Gives Facebook Thumbs Up

Score a victory for free speech on social media. In case you missed it, the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond recently overturned a lower court decision in a closely watched lawsuit involving First Amendment protections on social media (Bland v. Roberts 12-1671). The suit centered on state employees of a sheriff’s officeRead… Read more »

The Process Made Easy

The Only Form of Problem-Solving …What would you say if I said there are no secret processes to be had–just the basic process we can apply to every plan we have to make and every problem we have to solve? I hope you would be flabbergasted, but believe me when I say it is true.Read… Read more »

The State of Local Government Procurement

This post was co-authored with Rebecca Williams of the Sunlight Foundation and Code for America’s policy intern Ryan Driscoll. This summer, Code for America, Omidyar Network, and the Sunlight Foundation joined forces to investigate municipal procurement trends, best practices, and potential areas of improvement across the country with the Local Government Procurement Survey. The surveyRead… Read more »

New “Digest of EEO Law” Issued by EEOC & Recap of Rehab Act 40th Anniversary

How much do you know about Federal Sector EEO? Want to learn more about workplace equality government-wide? If so, check out the latest quarterly edition of the U.S. EEOC’s Digest of Equal Employment Opportunity Law, which is now available online. This quarterly publication, prepared by the EEOC’s Office of Federal Operations (OFO), features recent CommissionRead… Read more »

Tell us why your job matters: Why shouldn’t the gov shutdown?

Government shutdown — it has taken up days and weeks of energy, time and money. And just about everybody thinks it makes no sense — and it is no way to run any organization, let alone the government. But beyond that, most observers believe there are scores of ripple effects. GovLoop’s Steve Ressler was quotedRead… Read more »