
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations: The Importance of Workplace Diversity

Why is creating a diverse team important? Do you know how to create diverse teams? As the Vulcan’s say, “Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.” Diverse groups of individuals bring diverse ideas and experiences, diverse ideas and experiences contribute to increased sharing of thoughts and ideas, development of new solutions, and increased innovation. All this contributesRead… Read more »

Government of the Future – How Competitions Create Innovation

Some of the most innovative ideas in government aren’t coming from the C-Suite, but from university students. Each year Governing Magazine hosts a competition for university students looking to change the way government works. It’s called thePublic Policy Challenge and it’s goal is to think through the entire process of an idea, from concept toRead… Read more »

Designing Dashboards: Important questions everyone should be asking

I was talking to a client the other day about the particular dashboard we were putting together for them. We had a few different people in the room and we were discussing: What should go on it What should be left off What sort of decisions it will help support How often would different peopleRead… Read more »

Do You Text with Your Boss?

Perhaps five years ago, texting was mainly for teens. Now days, everyone texts. All ages for all reasons. I text with my mother, my sister, my wife, and my friends on all things from quick thoughts to photos. But I never used to text for work. Something about it just felt wrong. And then theRead… Read more »

Good Government = Good Neighbors!

Posted by John Verrico We all know that government budgets to go to conferences are practically non-existent nowadays. So communicators at all levels of government are working to find alternative ways of meeting with stakeholders, usually turning to online virtual solutions. But, as one communicator said in response to a survey earlier this year –Read… Read more »

Landing Curiosity, meet the man behind NASA’s rover – Plus your weekend reads!

Why go to Mars? ‘Cause it’s next. ‘Cause we came out of the cave, and we looked over the hill and we saw fire; and we crossed the ocean and we pioneered the west, and we took to the sky. The history of man is hung on a timeline of exploration and this is what’sRead… Read more »

New Coursera Offering: “Understanding Media by Understanding Google”

By Northwestern University: Starts: Sep 16th 2013 (6 weeks long) FREE About the Course Google Inc. is one of the key success stories of the Internet era. The company has expanded beyond its original search business through innovation and acquisition to touch the lives of nearly every person who lives life online. Americans spendRead… Read more »

4 easy steps to re-boot performance management

“Performance management strikes fear in the hearts of virtually everyone, from the employee, to the manager to the senior leader, performance management is almost universally disliked,” said Tom Fox. Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that in theRead… Read more »

Tech Tip: Installing and Using the LinkedIn Bookmarklet

One of the most powerful features of LinkedIn is the ability to share online resources via status updates, in groups, and/or with individual contacts. Doing so allows professionals to open a dialogue about the topic being shared and learn from others in their fields. The LinkedIn bookmarklet is a great tool to facilitate this sharing;Read… Read more »