
Good Government = Good Neighbors!

Posted by John Verrico We all know that government budgets to go to conferences are practically non-existent nowadays. So communicators at all levels of government are working to find alternative ways of meeting with stakeholders, usually turning to online virtual solutions. But, as one communicator said in response to a survey earlier this year –Read… Read more »

Landing Curiosity, meet the man behind NASA’s rover – Plus your weekend reads!

Why go to Mars? ‘Cause it’s next. ‘Cause we came out of the cave, and we looked over the hill and we saw fire; and we crossed the ocean and we pioneered the west, and we took to the sky. The history of man is hung on a timeline of exploration and this is what’sRead… Read more »

New Coursera Offering: “Understanding Media by Understanding Google”

By Northwestern University: Starts: Sep 16th 2013 (6 weeks long) FREE About the Course Google Inc. is one of the key success stories of the Internet era. The company has expanded beyond its original search business through innovation and acquisition to touch the lives of nearly every person who lives life online. Americans spendRead… Read more »

4 easy steps to re-boot performance management

“Performance management strikes fear in the hearts of virtually everyone, from the employee, to the manager to the senior leader, performance management is almost universally disliked,” said Tom Fox. Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that in theRead… Read more »

Tech Tip: Installing and Using the LinkedIn Bookmarklet

One of the most powerful features of LinkedIn is the ability to share online resources via status updates, in groups, and/or with individual contacts. Doing so allows professionals to open a dialogue about the topic being shared and learn from others in their fields. The LinkedIn bookmarklet is a great tool to facilitate this sharing;Read… Read more »

Is the key to bridging the digital divide social media?

Cracking the digital divide is no easy task. The barriers for success are high. But a team from the University of Wisconsin was able to make major inroads by using social media to educate and inform community organizers. Jennifer Smith is the communication officer for the University of Wisconsin Extension Center for Community Tech Solutions.Read… Read more »

Are You Part of the Data Elite?

In today’s digital world, everything we do creates data. We are creating data from our shopping behaviors, driving patterns and from the food we eat. It seems as though we are all on a quest for ultimate efficiency through data analysis. This trend has led to a class known as the data-elite. As technology quicklyRead… Read more »

Intent vs Impact: How Do You Communicate?

How do you communicate? People thrive on communication; introverted, extroverted, verbal and non verbal, we all need to be able to communicate with one another in order to survive and succeed. Though sometimes, things get lost in translation. Your intent, the way in which you are communicating, doesn’t necessarily send the messages and signals thatRead… Read more »

9/11 Anniversary: Maintaining Vigilance on the Road Ahead

It has been 12 seemingly long years now since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 changed America forever. Thus as we honor the victims and pay our respects to their families, let’s also remember an unsettling but stark reality: America and our global interests are still at risk of massive terrorist attacks. Doug’s Story It hasRead… Read more »