
Improving the accessibility of social media in government

A few simple precautions can make tweets and other short postings more readable by people using text-to-voice or other aids. Video and audio require more resources to make sure most people can have access to at least the text content.

Preventing Crime with Email? Yup, it works!

Move aside CSI, there is a new law enforcement tool that is revolutionizing the way public safety organizations solve and prevent crimes: email. Email is the 21st century answer to tip lines, but it’s even better because it creates a two-way dialogue between the citizen and the police force. Email is able to leverage theRead… Read more »

Does Your Organization Have a Social Media Policy for All Generations?

These days, most every orientation handbook has it: the dreaded social media policy. Does your agency have a social media policy for all generations? Some rules can be fairly liberal, like when social media can be used during working hours. Some are more stringent- like how employees use their accounts on their own time. SocialRead… Read more »

What have you done for me lately? Measuring the success of your communications

By Amy Larsen, Client Success Consultant, GovDelivery Today’s government communicators are tasked with staying on top of the latest communication trends to create and deliver messages or content that stakeholders want to receive. And we all know the only way to determine success is if we measure it, which means government communicators end up usingRead… Read more »

Star Trek: The Next Generation [of Mobile]

Yesterday, I attended my first DorobekINSIDER LIVE! While it was a great event live, it’s equally great recorded so be sure to catch it here. After discussing the recent trends and government examples of mobility, the panels tapped into their futuristic mindsets to tell us how they foresee mobility will evolve in the next fewRead… Read more »

Social Media in States – Status Report

Social media has revolutionized government’s interactions with its citizens. A new survey by NASCIO found 100% of state chief information officers said social media is apart of their business operations. 83% said they use Facebook. 81% use Twitter. 83% use Youtube. 80% of CIOs say social media is either essential or a high priority atRead… Read more »