
Marketing, Fundraising, Online Engagement: Tying it all Together

I was struck this weekend by a beautiful metro car ad featuring the Partners in Preservation campaign to support 24 historical places in the DC metro area. My interest was naturally piqued by the combination of historic sites (I love history, worked for a museum) and social media engagement (I may or may not beRead… Read more »

Getting the News

The New America Foundation hosted Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen to speak about the New Digital Age, sharing their views about the growing effect of the internet on individuals, nations, and the global community. One interesting topic was a forward look at where we will get news in the future. When I was growing up,Read… Read more »

The Dalai Lama and You: How Teachings of Humanity Fit into Government

Today I had the privilege to attend the Sadat Lecture for Peace hosted at the University of Maryland (UMD), College Park. The Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development, named for Egypt’s past president, the late Anwar El-Sadat, has organized these lectures since 1997 to promote leadership in the mission to gain peace. Past lecturesRead… Read more »

Find Out What Congress Is Doing

Free. Easy. All Online. Public interest in Congressional activity surged in recent years. Confusion, misinformation, and outright lies abound. But we can get accurate information without extensive web searches. All official Congressional activity is available on one website. Have you ever wanted to read the text of a bill for yourself, while Congress debates it?Read… Read more »

Michigan’s CIO and CTO give frank insights on the state of gov. IT – Part 1

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder believes technology can transform government. It’s state CIO David Behen’s job to turn the governor’s vision into reality. Behen was recently named one of Government Technology’s Top 25 in Government. Behen is aided in his quest with CTO Rob Davenport. Both men sat down with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINISIDER forRead… Read more »

Avaya TechTalk 010: Next Generation 9-1-1 Now!

By Guy Clinch Now Playing: Avaya TechTalk 010: Next Generation 9-1-1 Now! Listen now! Introduction: How organizations and Government can obtain many of the values of NG9-1-1 today – In this episode of Avaya Tech Talk APNPodcast host Guy Clinch, engages in conversation with Tim Kenyon, President of Conveyant Systems, Inc. and Matt Serra, Sr.Read… Read more »