
Don’t Mess With Texas: Can State Advertising Save the Environment?

Texas Department of Transportation’s anti-littering campaign celebrates twenty-five years of success We have all heard the phrase “Don’t Mess with Texas,” but very few people outside of Texas know its origins. In 1985, the Texas Department of Transportation introduced the slogan as part of a statewide advertising campaign to reduce littering on Texas roadways. Twenty-fiveRead… Read more »

Flickr Face Lift Reminiscent of Facebook Layout, Takes a Run at Google

Did anyone else notice that Flickr’s redesign propelled it in the direction of looking exactly like Facebook would look if images were the only content type? I am not denying that Marissa Mayer has brought an incredible amount of fresh ideas and new strategies to reinvigorate Yahoo and at the very least to keep itRead… Read more »

Video–Veterans Help Restore Salmon Habitat

Return and Restore: Veterans Work to Restore Salmon Habitat is a new video that tells the story of Nate and Carolyn, two of the veterans that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has trained to monitor and restore habitat crucial for rebuilding threatened fish populations in Northern California. Many returning veterans have had a hardRead… Read more »

3 Ways to Make Compelling Maps

For centuries, civilization has focused on using maps as a form of communication. To lead you down a rabbit hole, I was curious on famous cartographers, and individuals who helped shape modern cartography. Thankfully, Wikipedia provided me with a great list of cartographers, and the work they have done to shape modern cartography. Yet, theRead… Read more »

Default Open Data – For Real This Time

The White House is ushering a new normal when it comes the federal government’s data. The administration’s new policy and executive order are the forcing functions to make data accessible and open that has been missing over the last decade. The Sunlight Foundation’s policy director John Wonderlich told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program thatRead… Read more »

Seven Recommended Mentors for Those who Wish to Serve in Government

Warning: Read with care. The thoughts shared below are not intended for everyone. The ideas that follow are meant for local government public officials and career professionals who really want to make a difference. People often comment on the significant accomplishments I have made in my life. Though I am not sure any of myRead… Read more »

Innovation: Inside the Brain

Breakthrough, disruptive innovations do not happen every day and in general are not the daily focus of innovation at organizations. In his book “The Innovator’s Dilemma,”Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen coined the phrase disruptive technology to describe an innovation that displaces an established technology. He acknowledges that most innovation in organizations is “sustaining”Read… Read more »