
Federal EEO: How Much Do You Know?

Do you know about equal employment opportunity (EEO) in the federal government? If not, it may be time to learn more, especially as our nation, along with the federal workforce, becomes increasingly more diverse and inclusive. How much do you know about EEO? Can you learn more? The U.S. EEOC offers a variety of trainingRead… Read more »

It’s All About the People

With the evolving efficiency of technology… With the reliance on email… With buying from submitted offers and proposals… With the voicemail ‘barrier’ to talking directly… It is easy to lose sight of: It’s the people, not the paper. A face-to-face visit beats a pile of paper to get the right result.

The Finishing Touches

This is a very exciting time for those of us serving on the National Association of Government Webmasters ( Board of Directors. We’re putting the finishing touches on our conference registration information, getting ready to launch later this week. We have a great lineup this year and some exciting new additions. We’re heading to LouisvilleRead… Read more »

Nudge Theory

Fancy that; persuasion theory in action: “…relaxing the standard economic assumption that everyone in the economy is rational and selfish, instead entertaining the possibility that some agents in the economy are sometimes human… “Nudge theory is an attempt to resolve a classic Conservative dilemma: since they believe in the small state and low taxation, shouldRead… Read more »

Sequestration and Boston – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Open data, BYOD, data analytics, for many local government’s those innovative ideas aren’t a reality. For them the most important innovations are those that change their bureaucratic processes to improve the way they deliver their services while reducing their costs. We get insights from the New America Foundation. But up front:Read… Read more »

Boston Bombings: Lingering Questions…

The Boston bombings terror is finally over. Now it’s time to address some vexing questions about how and why this national tragedy occurred in the post-9/11 era of the Patriot Act and Big Brother. To wit: Why was the national intelligence community completely unaware of this terrorist plot? Is it possible this insidious act couldRead… Read more »

Thinking Forward to Preserve the Past: Interview with Pamela Wright, CINO of NARA

Interview: Innovation is the Magic Word Read Below or Download PDF If the 21st century (so far) had to be categorized by a word it would have to be “innovation”. It is a word that brings to mind the great advancements in technology, human to human interactions, human to computer interaction and more. The wayRead… Read more »