
Half of Feds Will Be Furloughed – How Do You Stop Work From Piling Up?

We are on day 47 of the dreaded sequester and the new budget realities are starting to sink in for many agencies. More than half of the federal workforce will be hit with some for of furloughs. So how do you keep your team motivated? What is the real next step? Tom Fox is theRead… Read more »

Engagement Through Game: GovLoop Guide Identifies Elements of Social Media Excellence

A few weeks ago, GovLoop released a new guide, “The Social Media Experiment in Government: Elements of Excellence” that highlights bright spots of social media experimentation in government. The activities discussed in the guide have led to clear outcomes and mission-related impact along core functional areas. Our goal was to create a highly practical resourceRead… Read more »

Eight Conversations Your Customers Want to Have With Your Brand

This post originally appeared on my external blog, Social Media Strategery. While it’s focused on private sector brands, these ideas can easily be applied to public sector entities as well. My last post criticized the content that a lot of brands share via social media – the incessant begging for likes and shares, the linkbaiting,Read… Read more »

Five Twitter Best Practices (Infographic) and “Twitter Political Hall of Fame (Shame?)”

Do you experience “Twitter mania” or have withdrawal symptoms when you’re not tweeting? So many social media users appear to be as addicted to Twitter as to their daily dose of java. However, do you know Twitter best practices? Have any of your followers “flown the coop”? What are your best practices on Twitter andRead… Read more »

How Citizen Engagement Can Be Improved Through Mobile GIS

As mobile adoption continues to grow in consumer markets, it is imperative that government continue to embrace mobile and learn how to best optimize mobile technology to stay relevant and improve citizen engagement programs. The Pew Internet & American Life Project has a variety of data related to mobile adoption. In December 2012, Pew reportsRead… Read more »

Vanilla Ice had it right: STOP, Collaborate, and Listen

One of the things that I’ve realized over the last few years is that despite the fact that I’ve gained more experience, I’ve done more formal educations, taken trainings, and built a lot of personal capabilities, I seem to have trended towards more collaborative decision making. I now spend more time talking to people aboutRead… Read more »