
The Senate Curtails STOCK Act Provision – Plus Your Weekend Reads

The Senate has curtailed a provision in the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act that forced legislative and executive staffers to disclose their finances on a public, searchable database. The decision comes after a major grumblings from senior executives. Congress tapped the National Academy of Public Administration to take a closer look at the provision.Read… Read more »

Budget Breakdown – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: With technology playing a central and critical role in the way government operates you would think the Chief Information Officer would have a seat at the table. But that isn’t always the case. Insights from former USPS CIO Bob Otto. But up first: the budget breakdown President Obama issued his fiscalRead… Read more »

“Women Only” Parking Lot – Legal or Not?

With the high rate of recent attacks on women in secluded parking lots, especially during evening hours, the Minneapolis City Council last week approved an ordinance to establish a ‘Women Only’ parking lot at the Mall of America. All security officers, maintenance personnel and even the parking lot attendants are exclusively female so that aRead… Read more »

When Are “Open Data” and “Hiding in Plain Sight” Synonymous?

Alex Howard’s Beware openwashing. Question secrecy. Acknowledge ideology. is a welcome discussion of what “open” can mean when it comes to government services. Terms like “transparency,” “open data,” and “open government” tend to get thrown around a lot without critical discussions of their meanings. Howard discusses how “open” inevitably becomes intertwined with philosophy and politics.Read… Read more »

Brainstorming or A Scavenger Hunt

Michael Starobin – 1AU Global Media, LLC gave a brilliant presentation about creativity in leadership at the Leadership Breakfast of Maryland recently. One question he asked: ‘brainstorming’ – is this a creative exercise? And offered an observation: “it stinks.” WOW! This is popular exercise for organizations – business and otherwise – all you need isRead… Read more »

Immigration in the Age of #Social: The Benefits of Managing Social Media Data

Quantity has a Quality all its own. This famous and perceptive phrase has been variously attributed to the German philosopher Hagel, Engels, Lenin, and finally Josef Stalin. Despite the largely shady cast of characters associated with it, the phrase captures an important truth: that large volumes often have characteristics far beyond the traits of aRead… Read more »