
Transparency Report Card – Did your state make the grade?

For the past four year the US Public Interest Group has graded each of the 50 states on their level of transparency. While 7 states made the honor roll, six states received failing grades. How did your state do? Phineas Baxandall is a senior analyst for tax and budget at the US Public Interest Group.Read… Read more »

DYK? National Equal Pay Day 2013

Today is National Equal Pay Day 2013. Did you know? According to the National Committee on Pay Equity: “Equal Pay Day was originated by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996 as a public awareness event to illustrate the gap between men’s and women’s wages. Since Census statistics showing the latest wage figuresRead… Read more »

Considerations for the Digital Public Information Officer (PIO)

This topic has come up time and time again here on GovLoop and I felt it was time to revisit the greater discussion involving use of social/new/2.0/3.0/etc technology for the purposes of emergency response, recovery, mitigation, citizen engagement, and so forth through the optic of the PIO. To this end, an entire world-wide group ofRead… Read more »

The Emergency Communications Catalyst: Social Media Meets Amateur Radio

I recently wrote on the coming of age of the “Digital Public Information Officer (PIO)” and how social media, digital volunteers, and organization is key. (Find the original posting here: Considerations for the Digital Public Information Officer) This sparked a lot of great conversation across the Social Media in Emergency Management (SMEM) community and aRead… Read more »

Practical Work From Home Tips – Telework 101

Telework is great in theory. No commute, focused work time, better work/life balance. But often times remote workers are too disconnected from the team, outcomes are too vague and oversight is too minimal. Patty Azzarello is the owner of the Azzarello Group and the author of the book Rise: How to Really Be Successful atRead… Read more »

Technical Foul: Leadership Lessons from the Rutgers Basketball Scandal

What leadership lessons can we learn from the firing of Rutgers coach Mike Rice? If you’ve been following the news story about how now former Rutgers basketball coach, Mike Rice, was verbally and physically abusing his players, then you undoubtedly know that he was fired and his assistant, Jimmy Martelli, has also recently resigned andRead… Read more »

Is Leadership Missing In Gov?

Federal employees are losing faith in their agency leaders, according to a new report from Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service. It was the first drop in effective leadership in 9 years. Employees gave effective leadership a score of 52.8 out of 100 points in the Partnership’s 2012 survey, a decrease of 2.1 pointsRead… Read more »

How to Engage with Gov – 101 – with Gavin Newsom

“Government is the air we breathe the water we drink. So it is incumbent among all of us who celebrate it and those who hate it to try to make it better and more relevant. Don’t give up on government. Don’t sit back and passively complain. Let’s have a two-way conversation,” said Gavin Newsom. NewsomRead… Read more »