
Patent and Trademark Office Does Telework Right – Can Your Agency Copy It? – Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers or a real push for innovation. But Tom Fox says telework shouldn’t be a blackRead… Read more »

Thursday Thoughts: Learning From Non-Events

I am a graduate student at George Washington University and I am fortunate enough to be taking a leadership class with a former high-level government official. My professor has served at the highest levels of government, and provides a first hand account how to lead large, complex and bureaucratic government agencies. Every Thursday I’ll postRead… Read more »

It’s About the Work, Not the Office – Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers or a real push for innovation. On Monday we talked with San Francisco State UniversityRead… Read more »

3 Keys to Workflow Efficiencies: Capturing, Sharing and Managing Documents

State, local and federal government officials are all looking at ways to reduce the time, cost, and improve processes for service delivery. As resources shrink and demand increases, organizations are pressed to find new efficiencies in an already resource limited environment. Due to this dynamic, now, like never before, organizations must focus on workflows, leverageRead… Read more »

Leadership and Empathy

George Mason University and Arlington Economic Development presented a panel discussion on Empathy in Business. It focused on empathy as an asset and whether this is an element of what makes a leader great. The panel composition: Jonathan Aberman, of Amplifier Ventures as moderator; Carly Florina, former CEO of HP; Dr. Angel Cabrera, president ofRead… Read more »

The President signs the 2013 budget – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

It’s Telework Week here on the DorobekINSIDER. Each day we will follow a trendsetters in telework. On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Telework Week continues with columnist Suzanne McGee who says flexibility in work schedules is the only way to retain top talent. Click here for the full recap. It seems everywhere you look these days agenciesRead… Read more »

Is removing telework a morale crushing mistake? DorobekINSIDER’s Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers or a real push for innovation. Yesterday we talked with San Francisco State University ProfessorRead… Read more »

Do People Need Social Media Training? Yes. And (Much) More.

Earlier this year I shared my thoughts about online social learning communities in response to a Forbes post by Meghan Biro. This post supplements those ideas by reflecting on a 2012 series written by Shel Holtz about social media training: Part 1: Introducing a series on social media training Part 2: Getting buy-in for socialRead… Read more »

Digital Literacy

It strikes me that digital literacy is becoming more and more important, as more and more of the things we do in life are digitalised. It helps to understand how computers work if you want to buy some music these days, or watch a film, or read a book. Not just the physcial act ofRead… Read more »