
YOURcloud, Taking Shared Services to the Next Level – Plus Your Weekend Reads (Telework Week)

On the DorobekINSIDER this week: Sequestration Fixes Could Still Hurt Feds? What Are They? Sequestration carries the threat of widespread furloughs of many federal employees, but the alternatives could amount to a case of pick your poison for those same feds. Some of the solutions include cuts to retirement contributions, pay freezes and a reducedRead… Read more »

Get promoted faster

A great way to get ahead and a smart way is to get a mentor. A mentor cuts your learning curve. They’ve already been through what you are going through. But finding a mentor requires you to take the initiative. When I started out as a letter carrier, don’t get me wrong, I loved myRead… Read more »

2013 Technology Innovation Predictions – What’s Yours?

1) Virtual engagements will become the norm – Immersive Virtual Environments (IVR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Digital Web-based Platforms (DWbP) will take off like a rocket this year. Immersive Virtual Environments (IVR) – all virtual and/or hybrid (both in-person and online happening simultaneously) instances will likely start out hot this year in the events domain.Read… Read more »

Sequestration & Social Media

Well, sequestration is in our midst and there isn’t much that we can do about it. By now I’m sure you all have heard the many consequences sequestration will likely bring: Furloughs, longer lines at the airport, prison lockdowns higher risks of terrorism, women and children taken off of WIC… canceled white house tours! Well,Read… Read more »

Sequestration Management Tip: Level With Your Employees

Sequestration is here, and it’s here to stay for at least a little while. And this new reality has created some major management challenges for government leaders. So how do you manage through the uncertainty? Tom Fox is the Vice President for Education and Outreach at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

Cross-Cultural Communication through Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms are not just social, they are global. Even though US users tend to make up the largest proportion of social media users on these and other sites, the internet makes reaching a global community more and more feasible. While attending a workshop hosted by Social@Ogilvy on this topic, I wasRead… Read more »

Seven Steps to Successful Supervision

Whether you’ve been a supervisor for years or are new to managing people, the relationship between you as a supervisor and those you supervise is one of the most important. But between long, busy workdays and stressful situations, that relationship can get ignored or thrown out the door entirely. Elisa Ortiz, deputy director of governmentRead… Read more »