
Is Government Just Pockets of Excellence?

Government is full of the best and the brightest, in fact, you might argue that the world’s foremost scientist, engineers, topic experts all reside in government. So why is it so difficult to make progress? “It’s a pocket of excellence issue,” said Richard Spires, CIO, DHS, ” he told the crowd assembled at the Excellence.GovRead… Read more »

Can You, Should You Telework?

More than 109,000 people have pledged to stay home this week. It’s all part of National Telework Week. The 3rd annual experiment allows agencies to test telework strategies for one week. Dan Kent is the Federal CTO and Director of Solutions at Cisco. He told me that Telework Week is growing, already this year’s pledgesRead… Read more »

Characteristics Female Voters Find Attractive in Male Candidates Running For Local Public Offices

A study conducted by the Association of Women Voters of America {AWVA} in 2012 revealed there are several characteristics female voters find attractive in male candidates running for local public offices {i.e. County Boards, City Councils, School Boards, Township Offices, Village Boards, Parishes and Boroughs etc.}. The characteristics that seem to attract to women votersRead… Read more »

Immigration in the Age of #Social: Do Not Risk Becoming Obsolete

Today is the third anniversary of my retirement from CIA. I’ve learned a lot in these 3 years. One particular plus has been getting to observe how this generation of knowledge workers is incorporating new tools to think and do differently. At Deloitte Consulting we’ve become advocates for the transformational impact of social and workRead… Read more »

We Answer Your Sequestration Questions – The What, Why, When of Furloughs

Sequestration goes into effect on Friday and the quickly approaching deadline has feds asking a lot of questions. Like when will furloughs happen and for how long? Last week we talked with John Mahoney a partner and chair of the Labor and Employment Law Practice at Tully Rinckey about knowing your rights if you areRead… Read more »