
Social Media Week DC: Three Take-Aways

If you’re like me, you’re still recovering from and trying to absorb and sort all the content shared during Social Media Week last week. There was so much information and so many ideas presented at each session that I found myself consistently over-stimulated, but in an exciting way. As I wait for all of theRead… Read more »

Techies, Parties, and Success

Peter Corbett is the founder of DC Tech Meetup – a monthly meeting of the local community of techies and startups – to encourage demonstrations of latest technology and what’s up with the entrepreneurial community. It is soundly build on open source principles – sharing and advancing good ideas. DC Tech Meetup attracts over 1,000Read… Read more »

3 Benefits of Location Analytics for the Public Sector

Location analytics is helping to guide the next phase of GIS. This post highlights three benefits of location analytics for organizations, the post pays special attention as to how traditional business intelligence tools and Esri’s ArcGIS platform is transforming how government delivers services. You can view the GovLoop Industry Perspectice: ArcGIS as a Platform online,Read… Read more »

Yahoo! or Oh No! No More Telework?

This just in an ailing company has decided that banning telework is the way to get themselves back on track. Yahoo! released a memo last week that tells employees that telework is no longer acceptable and that employees need to physically be in the office in order to effectively collaborate and communicate. According to Yahoo!Read… Read more »

From Regulation to Collaboration – the Next Wave for Cybersecurity?

The President issued the Cybersecurity Executive Order during his State of the Union earlier this month. But some say the Executive Order doesn’t go far enough. “The Executive Order was unprecedented and very wanted, but it is inherently limited in what it can do. The Executive Order can only tell the entities that are partRead… Read more »

Telework in Trouble? Why Mandatory Implementation is Needed Now…

Telework Week 2013 is just around the corner. Unfortunately, for federal agencies and taxpayers alike, creating a remote work environment has not arrived fast enough government-wide for all eligible employees. Therefore, the following questions merit consideration: 1) Can Uncle Sam get a grip on institutionalizing telework for all eligible employees? 2) Would mandatory and uniformRead… Read more »

Sequestration Obscures Fiscal Reality

The “Fiscal Cliff” was supposed to be a failsafe mechanism. Unfortunately, it now appears likely to fail. Just the threat of a sequester was supposed to ensure bipartisan consensus between Congress and the White House on a host of contentious issues of taxes and spending. Yet the term “compromise” has become a dirty word inRead… Read more »