
“Service to ServiceMembers”

For 13 years, ACT-IAC’s Awards have recognized government programs – and government employees – for applying technology to improve government. In 2013, the 25 Finalists continue to demonstrate that government employees DO go the extra mile to get results. puts lie to stereotypes about government employees. One of the areas we can allRead… Read more »

Trust: An Expression of Access and Influence

This morning, I attended a panel that spoke about a new report released by the communications firm, Edelman, entitled “2013 Edelman Trust Barometer.” The findings, especially those that pertain to US citizens, industries, and institutions, are striking. Who we trust now The Trust Barometer examined how various countries’ populations viewed a number of industries, includingRead… Read more »

Government Conferences Attacked: Is the Solution Virtual?

As you know, government conferences are under fire. Two officials have now resigned from the VA owing to excessive expenditures, rules are being tightened, and budgets are shrinking. So what is the future of government conferencing? Are they still necessary for the good of government? Yes says Theo Mayer. But in a different form. MayerRead… Read more »

Are the days of the U.S. mail numbered? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We get it, being in government is tough and it’s only getting tougher with budget cuts and sequestration. But one way to weather the storm is to cling tight to your leadership core principles. Click here for the full recap. As you know, government conferences are under fire. So what isRead… Read more »

Leading in the digital age

I’m hosting a webinar on the 20th to discuss effective communications and engagement strategies and how NationBuilder can help. If you’d like to join, RSVP here. Thanks! Related: Go, Government Efficiency Long Beach, SF, Bordentown: Pioneering digital democracy with NationBuilder Government New ‘Civitas’ theme released

Citizen Satisfaction of Government Websites Rises; Revolves Around Services

A new American Customer Satisfaction Index has been released and shows that citizen satisfaction with government services, particularly with web services, increased 2.2% over last year. On average, the satisfaction is at 68.4% but this is not consistent across all agencies. It’s interesting to see that the highest satisfaction ratings at the department level wereRead… Read more »

Leadership, Technology, and Change

Change is everywhere. Change happens at breakneck speed – BUT it takes time to recognize and adopt/adapt. Recall the typewriter return at the end of each line – and how long it took typists to stop using it in word-processing. We unconsciously cling to the old models and cite them as ‘rules.’ The Information InterviewRead… Read more »