
Helping Vets Transition to Private Sector: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Budgets and time are tight, so one of the trickle down effects has been the evolution of the program manager. Now more than ever, people are taking on the role of program manager with little or no training. So how is it working? Click here for the recap. Helping returning vetsRead… Read more »

Lending a helping hand: Operation Jump Start

Helping returning vets transition to new careers one suit at a time. Returning vets face a significantly higher unemployment rate than the rest of the country. One organization is trying to combat the problem head on. It’s called Operation Jump-Start VIII and their aim is to give returning vets suits and gift cards to prepareRead… Read more »

Government Conferences: What’s Next? – A FREE Web Event, Feb 7.

The ability to conduct vitally important government conferences has come under fire in the past year. Malfeasance by a small minority of government employees and a need to shrink government spending both contributed to severe limitations on conference participation by government agencies. While conference budgets shrink, the need to communicate with stakeholders and constituents hasRead… Read more »

Government and Social Media: How Agencies Communicate with Hispanics via Facebook

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. In today’s blog on Government communication with Hispanics via Facebook, we will look at three main things; (1) which Facebook tabs are popular, (2) how many tabs do US Government agencies use, and (3) do these Spanish-language pages use third-party applications to post. For those of youRead… Read more »

Infographic: How Aussies with mobile phones spend their weekends

Google has released a fascinating infographic detailing the mobile use of Aussies in their blog post, Insights into the Mobile Aussie Weekend. Useful for communications and policy people in government, it provides insights into how Australians are using their mobile phone to search the internet over weekends based on Google’s statistical data. A Day inRead… Read more »

Planning Strategically or A Strategic Plan?

What’s the distinction? A strategic plan is a project, initiated by others – e.g., the CEO, the Board, Department Head – with some input from the originator but little participation. Planning strategically is a team project, initiated by the leader of the team, with the leader’s input and participation. First thing to determine for eitherRead… Read more »

Post Conference-Gate – Why Government’s Not Going

With shrinking budgets and fewer resources to support mission goals, federal government decision makers and influencers plan on attending fewer events this year. Market Connections polled 400 feds about their plans to attend conferences in FY 2012. And the results were bleak for contractors. Lisa Dezzutti is the President of Market Connections. She told ChrisRead… Read more »

Meeting Citizens Where They Already Are- How to Improve Customer Service

If the average citizen is mobile and social, shouldn’t government services be as well to better serve them? This is the question government agencies have been working to address over the last few years. With initiatives like the Digital Government Strategy, which aims to provide citizens with high-quality digital information anywhere, anytime, and on anyRead… Read more »